Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1950 She is happy now

Everyone is busy refining and extracting, so we can't get together to communicate, but we can't suppress everyone's curiosity! He looked around and whispered to the people next to him.

The housekeeping robot beeped and ran over to get busy. Bai Dagen was standing among the flowers wearing a gauze shawl, her posture was soft and frail, and there was a trace of hesitation on her beautiful face.

Luo Bi still wanted to attend this kind of party. She had fun just now. When she saw Bai Zhen, she smiled. She walked over with brisk steps and said deliberately: "When will your family hold such a party again?"

Some people didn't want to see her laugh, but she didn't mind coming again.

When Bai Xian heard this, she stopped pretending to be weak and Yangliu straightened her waist. She didn't want Luo Bi to come to her party and make trouble, but she couldn't figure out how to reject her.

"This will probably take a while!" Bai Zhi hesitated for a moment and said.

Luo Bi was very excited. When she heard it, she knew that Bai Xian was perfunctory with her, but she didn't mean to be unhappy. She was happy now. She nodded to show that she understood. Even if she was not allowed to come, she didn't really want to come.

If you ask, you just want to hit Baiji. If you dare to mess with her, she won't mind having fun.

To be honest, Luo Bi didn't want to come to Leng Lie's house. Who was Bai Xian? A woman who could give birth to a child. How many S-level thunder flame warriors with strong genes were secretly poking at this woman, but Luo Bi couldn't afford to offend her.

Luo Bi stayed away from Bai Dagen.

Wei Zi and Qin Cui came back from cleaning. They planned to go home and change their clothes. Yun Wan was not with them. Xue Ya, Zhou Ya, and Jiang Xi'er were particularly concerned about their appearance, so they were still washing in the pool.

Those women must go home and change clothes, but they must pack themselves up first.

"Luo Bi, Wei Zi and I are going home. You can come with us!" Qin Cui felt that Luo Bi had no need to extract or refine it at all. If he didn't want to have a good meal, he'd better leave quickly!

Luo Bi knew that no one wanted her to extract it, so she smiled nonchalantly and said, "That's okay."

The few people said hello to Bai Xian and left. Qin Cui and Wei Xi changed their clothes and wanted to go back. Luo Bi had no such idea, so they went downstairs to the family apartment, and the three of them separated and went home.

Leng Lie learned about this and went back home to ask about the situation.

Zhou Ya, however, was not in a hurry to go home, and narrated the story in a more exaggerated way. Her meaning was very clear, she was making fun of Luo Bi for not being able to count, and everyone else was unable to refine and extract it properly.

Leng Lie sneered in his ears and became even more displeased with Luo Bi. Why should a woman with little ability marry Fengling? In his heart, Luo Bi was not worthy of Fengling at all.

After Fengling heard what happened at the party, his reaction was very cold. As long as Luo Bi didn't suffer, he didn't care what others did.

Soon, General Qi Lan also knew.

After thinking about it, General Qi Lan called his adjutant Tang Shao: "Go to the combat team headquarters and decorate the mountain garden next to the office of the gifted master into an office garden. Don't forget to contact He Yun and let him and He Shao discussed and transplanted more energy flowers and plants so that the talented bonders can have time to play in the talent bonding garden on the mountain peak."

The cold party reminded him that it was indeed a good idea to gather people together. There would be something delicious and fun to eat, and by refining and extracting it, there would always be something to gain for the military.

Tang Shao took the order, left the general's office, and immediately went to the combat team headquarters.

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