Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1951 She even feels sorry for herself

The ten major combat teams of Zhihuangxing do not care about this. Nowadays, nutritious food is in short supply, and all the empire's legions are unable to calm down. If you go on a mission, you have to collect equipment, elixirs, and energy fluids. Everyone has the same goal, so it's a bit difficult.

However, nutritious food is in short supply and missions are urgent.

The captains of the combat team were all eyeing Lieutenant General Mi Yue at this time. Insufficient reserves did not mean there were no reserves. If they could apply for equipment and resources from the financial officer, they could go on missions immediately.

Lieutenant General Mi searched hard, and it was not easy to get anything from him. After arguing for a long time, the ten combat teams applied for nothing.

The captains of the combat team were so angry that they almost cursed. Without equipment and resources, what could they do with the mission? Fighting alien beasts with bare hands? Just think about that scene, it's pretty stupid, okay?

Everyone in the headquarters was furious. Luo Bi took a walk around the house and planned to go back to her parents' house for dinner at noon.

But she was in a dilemma as to what to take. All the nutritious food at home was used by Fengling to support her family. Fengling could support her, but her parents' family could also support her. Fengling never said anything.

But in the long run, she felt sorry for herself.

After struggling, Luo Bi went to her parents' house without taking anything.

In addition to having a meal when she went back to her parents' home, she wanted to see how her parents' family was doing and whether they had enough nutritious food. After several months of bad weather, many families were unable to eat nutritious food.

The military has too much to take care of itself, let alone the people of the empire.

Luo Bi thought a lot along the way. When she arrived at her parents' house, Luo Hang and his son were both at home, but Luo Huan and Luo Rui were also there? !

This is a bit strange. Luo Bi is surprised. My cousin and the others are not on the Emperor Star. Why are they here on the Emperor Star? She thought about it and thought about her grandfather. She walked into the living room thinking about it.

Luo Huan has been here for a while. He didn't want to have dinner at his cousin's house, so he dropped the topic and chatted with Luo Bi: "How long has it been since you went back to your parents' house? I asked you just now, but I didn't expect you to come back. ”

Luo Bi poured herself a cup of tea, took a sip and said, "I haven't been back for several days."

Luo Huan smiled and took the opportunity to stand up and say goodbye: "You guys should be busy! I'll go to my second grandfather's house to see Luo Juan."

"Eat before leaving." Luo Hang's family got up and Luo Hang said, "It's already noon, your cousin has prepared lunch for you."

"No, it's getting late, you guys hurry up and eat!" Luo Huan and Luo Rui walked out. When they arrived outside the courtyard gate, Luo Huan said, "Hua Ran, several brothers are here. Let's get together after dinner."

Hua Ran responded: "Okay, I'll go there when I have time." He wouldn't go if he didn't have time.

Luo Huan turned to Luo Bi: "You go too."

Luo Bi didn't give the right answer: "I may not be free."

She didn't want to go at all. If she wanted to go, she would be free anytime.

Luo Huan knew it well, exchanged a few words with Luo Hang, and asked Luo Rui to get on the hover car and leave.

After sending the people away, the family turned around and walked into the yard. Luo Bi was impatient and couldn't wait to get back to the house and asked, "What are they doing here, cousin?"

Guan Zhuting didn't answer this and quickly went back to the house to prepare lunch in the kitchen. Hua Ran didn't answer either. Luo Hang sighed: "Your cousin Luo Jun has a restless gene. Intermediate nutrition and good food are no longer enough to support his fighting power. What your eldest grandfather and eldest cousin mean is that the family will do its part to provide Luo Jun with high-end nutritious ingredients. In any case, we must first stabilize our combat strength."

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