Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1957 Not that strong

Qing Yao Xing and Jade Bamboo Star?

The risk factor of Jade Bamboo Star is unknown. Compared with the two, Qing Yao Star is more reliable. Many hunting teams and mercenary groups basically hunt on Qingyao Star. As for Jade Bamboo Star? No one dares to set foot in it yet.

It can be seen that alien beasts and warcraft have reduced the hunting space of humans.

If humans want to hunt, they can only expand their territory bit by bit. However, currently, the only territories that can be hunted are Qingyao Star and a few familiar planets. Don't even think about others. They don't have that kind of strength.

"We have fewer people, so we should go to Qing Yao Star." Luo Bi suggested and looked at the other people: "What do you think? Qing Yao Star has more hunting teams and the safety factor is higher."

Li Feng glanced at his eyes and said: "I listen to you, I will go to whichever planet you say."

Hua Ran and Jiang Yixin also meant the same thing. They all preferred Qing Yao Star, so the mission planet was set on Qing Yao Star. Luo Hang hesitated to speak, and couldn't help but said that he would go too. Hua Ran disagreed, and Luo Bili ignored her father.

With her father's fighting prowess, it's better to rest!

At this time, Luo Huan called the communication and asked Hua Ran to come over. As we had agreed before, we couldn't change our minds at the last minute. Hua Ran had no choice but to pick up his coat and drive the hover car to the Luo family's main house.

After Hua Ran left, several people discussed again and set the departure time at six o'clock in the morning.

As for strategic planning?

Let Jiang Yixin, Li Feng, and Wen Xiao go back and discuss it themselves. Luo Bi won't participate in this. It's not that she has no ideas. Luo Bi has many ideas, and they are so evil that no one else can think of them.

But it was just a thought. Luo Bi was not the one participating in the battle, and what she thought was not necessarily practical.

Therefore, there is no need to talk nonsense.

In fact, it is easy for Luo Bi to formulate a battle plan. She has the final say and no one can have an opinion. is this okay? Luo Bi can do it, but she is afraid that Wen Xiao will not agree first.

Isn't it a joke to let professional soldiers listen to a blind command that doesn't understand anything?

Therefore, Luo Bi decided not to participate at all, lest she get angry after hearing this.

Luo Bi is petty and petty, and she is like this everywhere.

"I saw you extracting it just now. Don't you have a headache anymore?" Wen Xiao suddenly asked.

Luo Bi was speechless for a moment. She picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea in a disguised manner before saying, "I don't have a headache. As long as it's not too troublesome and doesn't let me use my brain to think about things, I won't have a headache if the time is short."

When Li Feng heard this, he was speechless: "Even if the extraction and refining time is short, you still can't use your innate ability!"

Luo Bi didn't answer and continued to drink tea. Jiang Yixin also drank tea. There was nothing to eat, so he could only drink tea.

"Energy fluids, energy stones, and elixirs are in short supply now. If it's not too uncomfortable, you should practice some more!" Wen Xiao couldn't say too much. Fei Ling seemed to be pampering her, and it was boring for him to talk too much.

After saying this, Wen Xiao took out some new jade stones from the storage ring: "These are for you to practice with. The ones my brother gave are low-grade jade stones, which are easier to extract."

The number of newly mined jade stones is not large. Currently, the market is either in short supply or in short supply. Wen Xiao conveniently gave the jade stone to Luo Bi, not because she had no intention of refining it and was in a hurry.

Luo Bi held the tea cup without moving it, but said, "What should I do if my extraction is broken?"

Wen Xiao didn't take it seriously: "I don't know how many jade stones the talent consort can break in a day. If you just get it, it will be broken if it is broken."

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