Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1958 She wants it too

After Wen Xiao said this, Luo Bi put the jade stone away.

She took the opportunity to count and found a total of fifty pieces of low-grade jadeite, with various properties. Each piece was almost as big as a fist. It was difficult to extract. Luo Bi had already tried it just now.

In fact, Luo Bi knew Wen Xiao's thoughts very well, which was that she hoped that all those who were capable would contribute to the military department, and that the military department would not treat her badly for her contribution.

Don't you want Luo Bi?

She also thought about it, but she felt uncomfortable as soon as it was refined and extracted. What could be done? This thing was not just an act.

After sitting for a while, Wen Xiao stood up and left, followed by Jiang Yixin and Li Feng.

On the other side, Hua Ran came back very quickly, and came back after more than an hour. Luo Bi thought Hua Ran would come back from dinner. She couldn't wait and was about to go home to prepare, but Hua Ran came back.

Luo Bi was puzzled, and after asking, she found out that the family gathering was disrupted by Luo Yuan's mother, Liang Meng. The Luo family originally got together for Luo Jun's support, but Liang Meng was unhappy after hearing about it.

Her daughter and son-in-law also need to take supplements. With Luo Jun, there is no reason why her daughter and son-in-law should not be there. The family cannot be too partial.

When she said this, no one from the entire Luo family could say a word. It was okay to raise one Luo Jun. Adding Zhan Hui and Luo Yuan, who would want to raise three at once? At this moment, all the smart people stopped talking.

Luo Huan's face was as dark as water. He even raised his son-in-law? Liang Meng was really embarrassed to open his mouth.

Luo Bang and Zhang Jiaomei were also very angry. They all discussed it carefully, but as soon as Liang Meng came, there was no chance. It would be strange for the couple not to be angry, and they started to quarrel with Liang Meng at that time.

Hua Ran was the stepson, so he couldn't say much at this time, so he took the opportunity to leave the main house.

After hearing what Hua Ran said, Luo Hang sighed: "Okay, you have to go on a mission tomorrow, don't worry about this, think about what else to prepare, and prepare quickly, don't panic then."

Luo Bi didn't have the time to care about this. Nowadays, every family is having a hard time, and nutritious food is all eaten carefully, so who has time to care about others. Are you even raising Zhanhui together? When the Luo family was full and full of support for Zhan's family, Luo Bi said hello and got into the suspended sports car to go home.

She said she was preparing for the trip, but in fact there was nothing to prepare. Luo Bi had only one day to go on the mission in her plan. She had a small luxury military spacecraft given by Admiral Qi Lan, so she could go and return on the same day.

Therefore, there is no need to bring other clothes except what you are wearing.

Considering that Qingyao Star has abundant water resources, she dug out some fishing nets, harpoons and the like, which may not be needed, but she brought them with her just to be prepared. Luo Bi threw the step ladder out again and checked one by one. They were all new and had only been used a few times. They checked and put them away.

Luo Bi didn't prepare food for everyone. Anyone who goes should bring it by themselves. She is not responsible for eating.

Eat her?

No way, you can eat whatever you harvest when the time comes. She won't say anything even if it's imperial concubine pork, but don't even think about asking her to bring it from home. The hunting team she formed only has five people, so it's just called a hunting team.

In the evening, Fengling took a bag of nutritious snacks home and gave Luo Bi five bottles of energy liquid and five bottles of low-grade elixir. These were reserves in his private treasury and did not belong to the first combat team.

For pampering Luo Bi, Fengling didn't feel distressed at all.

Luo Bi saw it, but hesitated: "Otherwise I won't go."

She didn't want to cause trouble to the man and let Fengling make up for it from her private treasury.

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