Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1959 Arriving at Qingyao Star

The children of the nobles all have private treasury, and Fengling is no exception. Luo Bi knows all this, but she is not interested in knowing about it. However, the nutritional ingredients at home in the past two months have come from Fengling's private treasury, which Luo Bi knows very well. .

Senior officers of the empire even used their private treasury. You can only imagine what ordinary people would do.

Luo Bi couldn't do it, so she decided to go on a mission. It’s unclear whether she will gain anything from the mission, but at least she needs to know what will happen to the planet in the future, so that she can have an idea.

After listening to Luo Bi's words, Feng Ling said in her heart that she wouldn't go, but looking at Luo Bi's expression, that was not the case at all. How could he be willing to embarrass Luo Bi? What he thought in his mind was something else that came out of his mouth. The remarks.

"Now that we've made the plan, let's go." Fengling took Luo Bi into her arms and changed the topic: "However, you should pay more attention when you go out and avoid strange animals at a distance, remember? "

Luo Bi nodded obediently: "I know, let others rush, I will stay behind."

Fengling liked her tone. She bowed her head and kissed the corner of Luo Bi's mouth, then got up to prepare dinner.

Nowadays, it is getting harder and harder to buy exotic meat on the market. Fengling still managed to buy two kilograms of it, wash it and rinse it with water, make the sauce for an hour and put it on the grill to bake.

Luo Bi opened the snack bag and rummaged through it, picked out a bag of spiced dried fish, and ate it while thinking about what else she needed to bring. After much thought, she couldn't think of anything, so she just gave up waiting for Fengling to make dinner.

When going to bed at night, Fengling took out a set of jade jewelry and gave it to Luo Bi: "This is a set of defensive equipment with additional attack capabilities. If you encounter danger, you can activate it immediately and escape without any problem."

Luo Bi was busy looking for the shirt she would wear tomorrow. She turned around and glanced at it. Not to mention, the jewelry was quite nice. Those who didn't know it couldn't tell that it was a set of defensive equipment with additional attack capabilities.

She was a little speechless. How worried she was that everything was prepared for her.

"Okay, I get it." Robbie said.

Because she had to get up early to go on a mission, Fengling went to bed with Luo Bi early. However, Luo Bi was no longer sleepy, and Fengling, who was tossing and turning, couldn't fall asleep either. The man had no choice but to wrap himself in an animal skin blanket and carry him to the large balcony.

As a result, Luo Bi fell asleep quickly.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Fengling coaxed Luo Bi out of bed and had a quick breakfast. Fengling drove Luo Bi in a suspended military sports car to the ship parking area at the garrison base.

The small spaceship dispatched by Admiral Qi Lan is indeed small, but the internal configuration is nothing to say. It is absolutely luxurious and high-end, with a fully equipped living room, kitchen, and lounge.

It's just not visible from the outside, but it can fool people at first glance.

Hua Ran, Wen Xiao, Jiang Yixin, and Li Feng had been waiting for a long time. Wen Xiao saw Fengling sending Luo Bi over and urged: "It's getting late, hurry up, Li Feng, come and fly the spaceship."

Li Feng responded and sat in the driving seat. Fengling gave instructions before leaving.

Everyone is familiar with the planet Qing Yao. They have sent out many missions. It took Li Feng about 20 minutes to fly the spacecraft to Qing Yao. Entering the planet from the northeast and arriving at the familiar ship parking place, Li Feng controlled the spacecraft to land.

When Hua Ran and his group of five people got off the spacecraft, some people cast surprised looks. It was really rare for a hunting team with such a small number of people.

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