Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1960 Better than women

More than a dozen hunting teams and mercenary groups, large and small, gathered at the parking area of ​​the ship. Luo Bi just got off the ship and didn't know what was going on, but Wen Xiao knew what was going on, so he said hello and walked over to find someone to form a team to fight with.

Since entering the galaxy war season, the combat situation on undeveloped planets has been very difficult and dangerous. For this reason, some hunting teams and mercenary groups have joined forces to act, and then opened up a safe area for logistics personnel to collect supplies.

Those who form a joint hunting team usually get together with people of similar strength. The strong team up with the strong, and the weak team up with the weak. There is no possibility of a combination of strong and weak, and no one wants to suffer.

In this way, the territory occupied will naturally be good.

The strong ones occupy the best hunting grounds, and the territory divided into them is also rich in resources. The weak ones, or those who do not form a team, will only be squeezed out. These people can only act on their own and stay as close as possible to the big hunting. The team creates a safe area.

The closer you get, the less dangerous you can be.

Some teams that have been squeezed out will naturally not be able to grab good territory, but there is nothing they can do about it. Even if they open up a small safe area in the more dangerous periphery, they cannot retreat.

After all, no one can do anything about the pressure of life. In the interstellar era, the strong are respected, and those who are not strong enough can only stand aside.

In this case, some weak hunting teams waited and waited, hoping that they would be lucky enough to be spotted by a stronger team. Some people knew very well how much they weighed, so they waited for a while and then carefully went down the mountain to pick up supplies.

After Wen Xiao walked away, Jiang Yixin also found someone to form a team.

Luo Bi glanced at the crowd, and then cast her gaze to the distance. The ship was parked at a relatively high location, and she could see lush mountains and forests at a glance. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a few people looking for supplies at the foot of the rocky mountain. Luo Bi's face was expressionless.

Some Thunder Flame warriors noticed that Hua Ran and the others were few, whispering to each other, and even laughing. With such a small number of people, no one was willing to form a team no matter how strong they were. It was not like they were ostracized like them.

See, men are better at gossiping than women.

Luo Bi glanced at these people, feeling disgusted. Hua Ran probably guessed that Luo Bi didn't know anything, so he explained the situation of the team formation, and Li Feng added a few words in a low voice.

"A strong hunting team occupies a good territory and will naturally harvest more things." Hua Ran looked at the crowd and said: "We are small in number, so there may not be a hunting team or mercenary group willing to let us join."

Li Feng also said: "In the situation of our hunting team, even if we can form a team with others, it is impossible to get enough things. Without fewer people, we will not have an advantage, and the strong combat power of Hua Ran and Jiang Yixin is useless."

Luo Bi understood. She felt that her hunting team was pretty good. Although the number was smaller, it was much stronger than those hunting teams that were weak but had to go on missions. There was no reason to be disliked.

She said nothing, waiting for Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin to come back. If possible, it would be better to act together with the large hunting team. The stronger the team, the higher the safety factor, everyone knows this.

Luo Bi thought her hunting team was okay, but as Hua Ran and Li Feng said, several powerful teams looked down on it. Wen Xiao came back soon, and then Jiang Yixin also came back, and with him there were Jiang Zhi.

Luo Bi smiled but didn't say hello.

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