Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1964 Colorful Beasts

While talking, my companion hoed another large piece of wild vegetables. This man is a good worker.

Zhang Xiang followed behind and was not slow. He continued to collect wild vegetables with both hands. He looked like he wanted to pick them all up. Because he was so busy, he was out of breath when he spoke: "Pheasants and winged rabbits are not aggressive. You can only watch and see if they can be caught." Yes, strange beasts are different, you must fight if you encounter them, so the Thunder Flame warriors are too greedy to catch pheasants and winged rabbits, alas..."

Zhang Xiang let out a long sigh and continued: "If there are no strange beasts around, it is not impossible to spend a lot of time and manpower to catch pheasant-winged rabbits. Alas, aren't there strange beasts?"

Pheasants, winged rabbits and exotic animals are different. The small animals have high nutritional value and are difficult to catch. However, exotic animals are different. If you don't beat them, they will hit you, and you will die if you are not careful.

Therefore, you can only be jealous when you see a pheasant-winged rabbit, and you won’t be able to catch it without people.

What Zhang Xiang didn't say was that catching pheasants on a large scale would cause a lot of noise and could easily attract nearby strange beasts. Once the strange beasts are attracted, another fierce battle will inevitably occur. Rather than this, it is better to ignore the pheasant-winged rabbit.

If you can't catch it, you still have to catch it. No one has the time to spare.

Luo Bi understood it as soon as she thought about it, and she also sighed, thinking about the current situation over and over in her mind. She was slow and couldn't dig wild vegetables as well as others, and she was even slower when she thought about things in her mind.

Just then, someone shouted: "The alien beast is coming."

Everyone was shocked. Luo Bi quickly looked up towards the stream and saw a colorful beast strolling over. Hearing people's restlessness, colorful animals flapped their wings and rushed to the shore, making cooing sounds from their mouths.

Luo Bi suddenly stood up, her heart pounding. Damn, she knew how powerful the colorful alien beasts were. The big rooster was powerful even if it wasn't an alien beast. Waving its wings, raising its claws, any kind of attack was enough. .

Their logistics staff were no match. Luo Bi reacted quickly, called Zhang Xiang and a few others and ran away.

The others were not slow at all, and hurriedly ran to the safe area, shouting Thunder Flame Warriors.

A nearby hunting team rushed over and fought with the alien beasts head on. Luo Bi slowed down and watched, and saw the colorful alien beasts waving their wings and several Thunder Flame warriors flying out.

Luo Bi's pupils shrank, it was easier than sweeping fallen leaves, how could she fight?

Next, the colorful beast flew out with another wing, and the Thunder Flame warrior on the other side was thrown far away. It looked like he couldn't get up for a while, and his combat power was simply vulnerable.

This colorful beast is only a level one beast. If it is level one or above, you can imagine how powerful it is. There has never been a moment like now when Luo Bi realized how weak and vulnerable human beings are.

The Thunder Flame warriors who arrived later joined the battle and attacked with various supernatural powers, entangling the colorful beasts.

Luo Bi had no intention of watching this kind of battle involving combat power and mysticism. Human casualties were inevitable, so what else could she watch. Luo Bi felt indescribably depressed and raised her feet to join Zhang Xiang and the others.

After some discussion, Zhang Xiang opened up another site nearby to dig wild vegetables. Few people set foot on the new site. The wild vegetables were fresh and tender, and there were a lot of them. However, the risk factor was higher. If you don't have the guts, just don't follow.

"I'm with you." Luo Bi breathed a sigh of relief and became bolder.

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