Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1965 The same is true

The others had no objections, and Luo Bi followed them to a nearby site.

The new forest is not far from the battlefield by the stream. You can still hear the sounds of fighting between the Thunder Flame Warriors and the colorful beasts. The distance is too close. Everyone feels uneasy. Their backs are tense with tension and fear. But I am also greedy for large tracts of wild vegetables and mushrooms.

What is seeking wealth through risk?

This is that in order to survive, everyone who goes on a mission has courage.

Even women are like this.

"There are a lot of wild vegetables in this area, and there are also mushrooms. Let's move quickly." Zhang Cuizhu, the leader, walked around in the forest and came back to arrange for everyone to work quickly: "Thunder Flame Warriors are nearby to deal with the colorful beasts. In your mind There are a few things, just use as fast as you can."

After hearing this, everyone quickly dispersed to dig wild vegetables and collect mushrooms.

"Sister Zhang Xiang, is this place too close to the battlefield?" A girl named Zhang Wu'er looked panicked. She followed Zhang Cuizhu a few steps and hesitated: "How about we move to a place farther away? I'm scared."

Zhang Cuizhu looked at her with a cold face and said, "Go back if you're afraid."

After leaving these words, Zhang Cuizhu had no time to pay attention to Zhang Wuer, and quickly collected the wild vegetables that others had hoed. It rained and snowed yesterday, so the soil was wet. When the wild vegetables were hoeed, their roots were covered with mud. After shaking them twice, they threw them into the basket with both hands.

There is no way around it. Alien beasts are difficult to deal with, and the logistics personnel are in a very dangerous position. They must collect supplies quickly.

What's wrong with the dirt? Come on, come on, hurry up and put it away.

Everyone knows very well how dangerous places with a lot of supplies are, and because they know it, they race against time to collect supplies. If any strange beasts appear, they will run away, and if there are no strange beasts, they will rush to collect them.

Zhang Wuer bit his lip and angrily picked up wild vegetables with a hoe. His movements were obviously not comparable to those of those tall and thick women.

Luo Bi was an outsider among the crowd. She didn't say anything. She walked away and found a wild vegetable patch to hoe with a small hoe. She was not well prepared and did not know that wild vegetables were not dug but hoeed piece by piece with a big hoe.

She didn't have a big hoe, so she had to use a small hoe to dig out as many wild vegetables as possible.

She was stimulated by the colorful animals just now and knew that time was running out. Even though she was not born with quick hands and feet, she hurriedly dug for wild vegetables, including clusters of mushrooms, picking them out and throwing them into the bamboo. basket.

Luo Bi doesn't like carrying baskets, so she always uses bamboo baskets or small wicker baskets. This time she used a half-large bamboo basket.

Everyone was busy digging wild vegetables and picking mushrooms. For a while, no one spoke at all. Only the rustling sounds could be heard in the forest, and the sounds of the fight between the Thunder Flame Warriors and the colorful beasts not far away.

Everyone can only guess what the battle situation is over there. The more they guess, the more nervous they become, and the faster they move.

Luo Bi was forced to stop talking by this tense atmosphere. By the time she dug a bamboo basket full of wild vegetables and mushrooms in a muffled voice, the sun had already risen very high. The sparse sunlight fell to the ground through the leaves, and the temperature rose. A little bit.

When the basket was full, Luo Bi took out a bag, poured wild vegetables into it, and pressed it until the bag was half full. She took out another bamboo basket and poured the mushrooms into it. Only then did she take a breath and rest.

At this time, Luo Bi's mind was a little empty. She looked at the bushes and grass in trance for a moment. First, a winged rabbit jumped blindly, and then two pheasants ran over.

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