Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1968 So heartless

Luo Bi came to the bamboo sieve and took a look. The bamboo sieve was buckled firmly. The pheasants probably had millet to eat, so they did not call. If the pheasant flutters, Luo Bi is really worried about attracting other people.

But how to catch the pheasant?

Luo Bi circled around the bamboo sieve. She didn't dare to raise the bamboo sieve too high. If the pheasant was caught with great difficulty, it would be a waste if the pheasant escaped accidentally. But Luo Bi didn't think too much. This kind of situation where the prey was clearly caught but then escaped happened from time to time.

If she raised it too high, she was worried that the pheasants would escape, but if she raised it too low, she would not be able to see what was inside the bamboo sieve. Luo Bi raised the bamboo sieve with one hand and reached under the bamboo sieve with the other hand to feel around. The pheasant still wanted to peck her, which made Luo very angry. Bi grabbed the chicken by the neck and dragged it out.

The pheasant realized that something was wrong and screamed in surprise.

Broken mouth, Luo Bi panicked, ran to the bamboo basket with the pheasant, threw it in and poured out half of the basket of wild vegetables.

Not far away, Zhang Wu'er ran over. Luo Bi just threw the rope tied to the bamboo into the bushes, took a small hoe and pretended to touch something. When he saw Zhang Wu'er, Luo Bi looked over pretending not to understand.

"Have you heard the crow of the pheasant?" Zhang Wu'er looked at Luo Bi suspiciously and asked.

"I heard it." Luo Bi continued to walk around and saw fresh wild vegetables being hoeed down with a small hoe: "I originally wanted to catch one, but the pheasant ran too fast and I didn't catch it, so I threw a stick. What happened? Do you think I caught the pheasant?"

Zhang Wuer said sarcastically, that's what she really thought: "No, I just heard the noise and came over to see how easy it is to catch pheasants. Even the Leiyan warriors can't catch them, let alone us women. How many wild vegetables have you dug? "

Zhang Wuer changed the topic.

When Luo Bi heard her asking about wild vegetables, she immediately looked at Zhang Wuer defensively: "Why are you asking this?"

Everyone said they knew each other only after they were familiar with the situation, and they had already spoken to each other even if they didn't know each other. However, Zhang Wuer's attention to other people's materials easily made people think too much. What do you want to do? It's hard to say whether he covets other people's supplies or just asks.

"I'm just asking, what can you do?" Zhang Wuer became unhappy and his face turned red: "A handful of wild vegetables is not a rare thing. I want to ask what's wrong? Who is it?"

Zhang Wuer felt extremely angry, put down his words and walked away angrily.

You see, he was so careless that Luo Bi sent him away after just a few words. Luo Bi sneered, waited for the others to go away, went into the bushes, set up the bamboo sieve, gathered the radish tassels, and dragged the rope to the bamboo basket.

As soon as she finished doing this, Jiang Yixin came over.

The two colorful beasts on the main battlefield were very easy to deal with. The Thunder Flame warriors had been fighting all morning but they didn't kill any of them. Hua Ran and the others were worried about Luo Bi. Fengling dialed the communication again to ask, and Hua Ran said Want to go and have a look.

Jiang Yixin said he would go, and Hua Ran agreed.

"Why are you here? Have you killed the strange beast?" Luo Bi was very surprised to see Jiang Yixin. She opened the wild vegetables in the bamboo basket and let Jiang Yixin see: "Look, I caught a pheasant."

This surprise caught her off guard, and Jiang Yixin was stunned: "How did you catch it?"

Luo Bi pointed to the bamboo sieve in the grass and said, "Did you see it? That's a bamboo sieve. I used the bamboo sieve to trap it. You came just in time. It's hard to catch the pheasant after it's trapped. You can catch it later."

Jiang Yixin: "..." Zhusiezi knows him, but he doesn't know Zhusiezi.

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