Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1969 It’s too far away

"What is a bamboo sieve? It looks like a bamboo basket." Jiang Yixin raised her feet and prepared to go over and take a closer look.

"Come back." Luo Bi disliked Jiang Yixin for causing trouble and scolded her. Jiang Yixin was so frightened that she stopped quickly. Luo Bi shouted anxiously: "I'm trapping a pheasant. What did you do there? How can I trap the pheasant if I scare it away?"

Jiang Yixin didn't dare to go when he heard that he might have scared away the pheasants, but he was curious! I glanced at the bamboo sieve several times and couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "How do you trap pheasants in the bamboo sieve?"

Luo Bi pulled the rope: "You'll find out later when you see it. Dig wild vegetables first, and you can also pick mushrooms."

Jiang Yixin couldn't help but look at the pheasants in the basket, and turned back to collect mushrooms. The new territory had not been explored yet. Both wild vegetables and mushrooms could be found everywhere. It was perfectly possible to pick and dig wild vegetables and collect mushrooms.

Scraping the ground?

Luo Bi doesn't think it's necessary. Who wants to be old when there are fresh wild vegetables and mushrooms? People like Zhang Cuizhu are different. Their family background is there. If they want to support their family, they can only scratch the land.

The logistics team led by Zhang Cuizhu is in the nearby forest. All members are women. The ones with the Thunder Flame Warriors are the logistics staff of another hunting team. The forest area here is vast, but the groups of people are not far from each other. Even if they speak loudly, they can be heard. Who knows who has a loud voice, and the shouting can be heard from a long distance.

Because the weather was fine, birds and various small animals came out. Unknown birds were happily circling in the forest. Now people were shouting and birds were chirping, and the whole forest became lively.

While busy, Luo Bi reminded Jiang Yixin to pay attention to the bamboo sieve: "Please help me watch it. If there are pheasants or winged rabbits running under the sieve, tell me if you see it."

Jiang Yixin didn't understand anything. He couldn't imagine how to use a bamboo sieve to trap a pheasant, but he nodded hurriedly and asked in surprise: "Can a bamboo sieve trap a winged rabbit?"

Looking at this question, Luo Bi didn't even know how to answer: "How do I know? I planned to trap the pheasant and the winged rabbit. I trapped the pheasant. I don't know if I can trap the winged rabbit. I haven't. Are you going to eat carrot tassels, Winged Rabbit?"

If you dare to eat carrot tassels, trap it.

Jiang Yixin: "······"

He was also looking forward to trapping a winged rabbit. Although the nutritional value of pheasants and winged rabbits was similar, the amount of meat produced was different! Generally, a pheasant only weighs three to five kilograms, and five kilograms is considered heavy. However, a large winged rabbit can weigh more than ten kilograms, and the gap is huge.

In the past few months, due to the increasing shortage of nutritious food, even the imperial soldiers were planning to eat it. Jiang Yixin was used to calculating, so she naturally favored the winged rabbit before the pheasant and winged rabbit.

If it is a winged rabbit, you can eat an extra bite of meat.

While Jiang Yixin was collecting mushrooms, she also dug up a lot of wild vegetables with great skill.

The wild vegetables dug by Luo Bi only covered the bottom of one basket. Jiang Yixin had already dug half of the basket. Luo Bi looked depressed and closed her mouth without wanting to talk anymore. The Thunder Flame Warrior cooks delicious food, can support the family, is good at housework, and is quick at digging wild vegetables. If the Thunder Flame Warrior can have children again, women will really have nothing to do.

Having gone too far, Luo Bi pulled back her thoughts. If she expressed her thoughts, Jiang Yixin would definitely be worried about her.

Because it had only stopped raining and snowing for several months yesterday, the wild vegetables were juicy and the mushrooms were fresh and tender. The more Luo Bi looked at them, the more delighted she became, and she wished she could put them all in the basket.

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