Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1970 This is okay

While she was busy here, she didn't forget to look at the bamboo sieve, and another pheasant came looking for food.

"The pheasant has passed." Jiang Yixin reminded Luo Bi.

The reminder was early. Luo Bi kept staring and said: "Don't worry, the pheasant has just leaned into the bamboo sieve. Wait until it goes inside to get a good trap. If it is too far outside, the pheasant may escape."

Jiang Yixin stopped doing anything and watched with a good look. The pheasant smelled the radish tassels, stretched out its beak and pecked at it, but refused to go in. Luo Bi made a visual inspection and found that the bamboo sieve did not completely cover the pheasant, so pulling the rope may not necessarily trap the pheasant.

"Isn't that enough?" Jiang Yixin was even more anxious than Luo Bi.

Robbie said, "No."

It would be fine if it was a stupid chicken. She pulled the rope and the chicken ran into the sieve, one after the other. But are pheasants so stupid? Maybe there is, but Luo Bi has never seen it, so don't think about it, just be realistic.

After about ten minutes, the pheasant finally ran under the bamboo sieve. Luo Bi pulled the rope suddenly, and the bamboo tilted and the bamboo sieve buckled down. Well, another pheasant was trapped.

Jiang Yixin: "······"

Damn it, this works too.

Luo Bi threw the rope and raised her chin: "The pheasant's claws are very powerful, go and catch it."

Jiang Yixin was happy to do this job. He came to his senses and ran over happily, caught the pheasant from under the sieve and threw it into the bamboo basket. Luo Bi put up the bamboo sieve again. She didn't add millet grains or radish tassels. The previous one was enough.

Jiang Yixin picked up the bamboo basket and was so excited: "These two pheasants should weigh three kilograms each, which is enough for us to supplement our nutritional energy for a day. Luo Bi, call Hua Ran and the others over to catch wild pheasants together! Follow the big hunting team Action, you may not be able to get five kilograms of exotic animal meat after a battle, it is better to catch pheasants."

"So little?" Luo Bi was surprised, picked up a small hoe and continued to dig wild vegetables: "We have been fighting all morning. It would be a big loss to quit now. Let them kill the strange beasts! Besides, there is only one bamboo sieve. Use it. There aren’t so many people, just the two of us are enough.”

After hearing this, Jiang Yixin did not insist. She looked up and saw the sun rising in the sky. She was busy for a while, packing up and carrying the supplies back to the ship's parking area.

At noon, all the logistics staff who were preparing to eat hurried back. From time to time on the mountain path, you would meet people carrying supplies. If you have acquaintances, you would go together.

Luo Bi was weak, so she could carry most of the things on Jiang Yixin's body. She carried a small basket and followed, but she still couldn't keep up with the Thunder Flame Warrior.

Zhang Xiang was a little surprised when she saw her. She thought Luo Bi was an ordinary person because of her clothes. She didn't expect that there were S-class strong genetic thunder flame warriors following her. That's it. Judging from Luo Bi's relaxed appearance, her status seemed to be not low. .

When they returned to the parking area of ​​the ship and boarded the spaceship, Jiang Yixin and Luo Bi ate something in a hurry. Because they ate in a hurry, Luo Bi felt a little uncomfortable. Jiang Yixin made two cups of hot tea for each of them.

Afterwards, the two of them took inventory of the supplies. They found a bag of wild vegetables, half a basket of mushrooms, and a few herbs. The quantity was really small.

But adding two pheasants was different. Jiang Yixin was very excited. With these two pheasants, this mission was not a loss. It was better than killing strange beasts by any calculation. He couldn't wait and urged Luo Bi to take a rest and try again. pheasant.

Luo Bi thought the same way, and the two hit it off immediately, took the bamboo sieve and bamboo basket and left.

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