Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1972 This kid is so happy

Luo Bi: "······"

The child was so happy that he looked at the pheasants with dry claws. Each one was the same, as meatless as a chicken. In Jiang Yixin's eyes, each one was fatter than the other. She didn't know what the look was.

"This one is just like the last ones, not much meat." Luo Bi couldn't help it and reminded Jiang Yixin.

Jiang Yixin picked up the guinea fowl and looked at it carefully: "It's different. This guinea fowl is heavier. You can see that it has plump feathers, bright colors, and thick claws. It looks extra meaty no matter how you look at it."

Luo Bi: "······"

What nonsense are you talking about between her and Jiang Yixin, a foodie? If there is meat, there will be meat! Who knows who eats it? In the future, interstellar humans will like to cheat. Ordinary ingredients look very pleasing to the eye, but they just don’t taste good, that’s all.

Jiang Yixin looked at Luo Bi's expression and looked at the pheasant in her hand suspiciously: "This one just has meat."

Luo Bi's mouth twitched, she smiled and put up the bamboo sieve. Jiang Yixin opened the bamboo basket and threw the pheasants in, which caused a commotion in the basket of pheasants and rabbits. Jiang Yixin looked at it reluctantly and went back to work.

Running to the red date tree, Jiang Yixin climbed up. Wen Xiao looked at him, and Jiang Yixin said with a smile: "A guinea fowl has more meat than the previous one."

When Wen Xiao heard this, he also became happy. It can be said that this time they have gained a lot, and they can rest for two days in a row. One pheasant or winged rabbit per person can last two days without eating.

He thought so, but Wen Xiao still planned to go on a mission as soon as possible, and also planned to eat at home. The whole family had a tight schedule, so it was better to go on a mission and save worry.

"I wonder when Luo Bi plans to go on a mission again. Has she mentioned it to you?" Among the few people, Jiang Yixin and Luo Bi can talk well. Xiao Xun thought about asking Jiang Yixin, feeling confident.

Jiang Yixin stepped on the branch of the tree and stretched out her arms to pick the dried red dates high up. He looked back: "I asked her, and Luo Bi said she didn't know. I'll ask her later."

"Brother." Wen Xiao leaned on the tree at a relatively high position. He kicked the branch in Jiang Yixin's hand condescendingly and said, "We will gain a lot from having Luo Bi follow us. When you ask, find a way to let Luo Bi Go on a mission, not just once a day, but every other day, you will have something to eat when you go on a mission."

The foodie's eyes lit up when he heard there was meat to eat. Jiang Yixin nodded fiercely: "Oh oh oh, okay, I'll talk to Luo Bi, I'll tell you, Wen Xiao, put the seasoning sauce on the pheasant, put it on the grill and grill it , it’s delicious dipped in the sauce.”

Wen Xiao, who is not a foodie, swallowed his saliva and kicked a tree branch again: "Don't you know that everyone hasn't eaten well for a long time? You are asking for abuse when you talk about roasting pheasant!"

Aren't you looking for abuse?

Senior officers are not short of nutritious food. However, due to the shortage of food in the three major galaxies, the military department only distributes low-level nutritious food, mainly rice. There is also meat, but it is all marinated meat. The dryness, nutritional energy and taste are different from freshly hunted exotic animal meat.

I have been eating dried meat from exotic animals for several months, and now even if I am a foodie, I can swallow my saliva when I see a pheasant.

"Are you hungry? I am." Jiang Yixin was aggrieved. He was said to be greedy. He raised his long legs on the tree, leaned his back on a thick branch, picked a dried red date and put it in his mouth: "Well, So sweet.”

Wen Xiao: “·······”

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