Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1973 He was impatient

Wen Xiao also picked a dried red date and put it in his mouth. The red date grows in the mountains and forests and has been neglected for a long time. After a winter of sugar precipitation, it is indeed sweet, but no matter how sweet it is, it is not meat.

After a while, Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin almost finished picking the dried dates from the red date tree, and Luo Bi didn't even call for help.

Wen Xiao thought that the pheasant-winged rabbit was difficult to trap, but Li Feng actually got there first. Near evening, Luo Bi caught another pheasant, and Li Feng happily caught it from under the bamboo sieve.

Li Feng didn't stay long. He counted the number of pheasant-winged rabbits and went to work again. He and Hua Ran worked together to cut down the energy wood. They had not yet cleared the branches and leaves of the energy wood.

Luo Bi was relatively free. After setting up the bamboo sieve, she turned around here and there. She thought she would find something good, but unfortunately there was no surprise. There was nothing except wild vegetables and mushrooms.

Wen Xiao also found a red date tree. Really, Luo Bi ran back to see if any pheasants and rabbits were eating under the bamboo sieve.

She went back just in time, and from a distance she saw a winged rabbit eating radish tassels. He probably didn't just eat the radish tassels with his mouth. He pulled the radish tassels with his mouth and ate the part he liked.

Damn it, Luo Bi was angry and anxious, so she walked over quickly. The radish tassels were not for the rabbits to eat. She put them there to attract the rabbits. What would happen if they were eaten by the rabbits? She still had to put away the food when she didn't have enough to count.

You should know that people can eat radish tassels, but what if a winged rabbit eats it?

Luo Bi picked up the refining rope, and Winged Rabbit picked up a delicious meal and ate it so deliciously that he didn't notice anything going on around him. Luo Bi saw the right moment and pulled the rope hard. The bamboo was dragged out a short distance, and the bamboo sieve suddenly trapped the Winged Rabbit.

Winged Rabbit was stunned. When he regained consciousness, he suddenly jumped. He couldn't jump out and hit the sieve.

Luo Bi hummed and called out loudly: "If any of you are nearby, come here."

Everyone knew what they were doing here, but Luo Bi didn't say it out loud. There were people everywhere in the mountains and forests, and even if they weren't collecting supplies in the forest, they couldn't say anything about finding good things.

Even if he is stupid, he has become careless after being on mission for a long time.

When you find something good, you keep it secret and don't let others know about it.

Is there anyone nearby?

Yes, Jiang Yixin was listening with open ears, and Li Feng was also paying close attention to this. As soon as Luo Bi called someone, before Li Feng could make a move, Jiang Yixin had already jumped off the tree and ran over. But it was called someone again, and he was already waiting impatiently.

Before Jiang Yixin could even run up to her, she asked, "What's the trap this time? A pheasant or a winged rabbit?"

"Wing Rabbit." Luo Bi knew why Jiang Yixin asked and told him with a smile.

Nowadays, pheasants and rabbits are compared. Pheasants eat miscellaneous food in the wild and often run in the mountains and forests, so they do not grow meat on their bodies. But the winged rabbits are different. Each one is meaty, more meat than pheasant meat.

Because of this difference, what everyone is looking forward to catching is the winged rabbit.

"Really?" Jiang Yixin was so happy that her childlike tone came out.

Luo Bi was stunned and almost burst into laughter. It's true. Jiang Yixin was so excited by the food. She was also out of tune. She then said, "It's true. This time, I'm trapping a winged rabbit. Hurry up and get it." Come out!"

Jiang Yixin was filled with joy and caught an adult winged rabbit from under the bamboo sieve. When she weighed it in her hand, the smile on the boy's face became even bigger: "This one has a lot of meat, it's bigger than the two in the morning."

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