Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1975 If she doesn’t give it, that’s all.

On the spaceship, several people were very happy.

Luo Bi first called Fengling, and after hanging up, she took the opportunity to discuss with Wen Xiao how to divide the supplies. She has a problem, that is, she doesn't like to make the decision and leaves it up to everyone to decide how to distribute things.

Wen Xiao said: "Do you think this will work? The mushrooms, wild vegetables, and herbs will be divided equally. Hua Ran, Li Feng, and Jiang Yixin and I will have one pheasant each, and you will have two. You can choose the pheasant or winged rabbit, and the rest of the pheasant , Winged Rabbit, it’s up to you.”

Speaking of this, Wen Xiao glanced at the spaceship: "The spaceship was given by Admiral Qi, so it can't be used in vain!"

Wen Xiao stopped talking and said nothing else. Luo Bi knew what was going on. He pondered for a while and decided to give the remaining pheasants and winged rabbits to General Qi Lan and Lieutenant General Mi Yue. Just two, let them choose. Don't give them points.

In fact, she would just do it if she didn't give it. What Admiral Qi Lan gave her was not what she wanted.

Luo Bi would not do this with such a slander in her heart. It was enough for the admiral to dispatch a spaceship, but it would not be enough if he did not act righteously. There was also Lieutenant General Mi Yue. This financial officer was usually obsessed with money, but he gave the spaceship such pleasure that Luo Bi couldn't take it seriously.

Hua Ran, Li Feng, and Jiang Yixin had no objections to this arrangement. Jiang Yixin was looking forward to going back and eating roast pheasant as soon as possible.

When they returned to Zhihuang Planet, the genius had just wiped out the darkness, and Fengling was already waiting in front of the first combat team's supply warehouse. The man is wearing a military uniform and is tall. He is leaning on a military hover vehicle with an indifferent expression, giving people a sense of oppression from an aristocratic elite.

After the spacecraft landed, Luo Bi jumped off the spacecraft. Feng Ling turned away her cold expression and raised her feet to ask about the mission. He had been uneasy in the military department that day, but now that he was back, he was relieved.

Fengling asked, and Luo Bi didn't hide anything. Just like a child, she happily explained the purpose of the bamboo sieve. After that, she approached Fengling and told the man how to distribute the supplies.

Fengling smiled: "Okay, I understand, you can figure it out yourself."

Hua Ran and others got off the spaceship carrying the ingredients. Energy wood is not for eating. You can divide it in any way. Nutritious ingredients are the main thing. Pheasants and winged rabbits have been allocated, and now the main items are herbs, wild vegetables, mushrooms, and dried red dates.

None of us are fussy people, and the wild vegetables are easy to share, one bag per person. The large bag full of wild vegetables looked like a lot. He pushed down half of the bag with his hand. Li Feng was taken aback and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Luo Bi thought the herbs were too messy, so she didn't want them anymore. Hua Ran, Wen Xiao, Li Feng, and Jiang Yixin roughly divided them into four parts.

The tender mushrooms were rare for Luo Bi, so Wen Xiao decided to give her more than half. As for the box of dried red dates, this one was better. Wen Xiao, Jiang Yixin, and Li Feng worked together to grab a handful, and gave the rest to Luo Bi. .

As for Hua Ran?

Luo Bi could not treat anyone badly. They were her own family, so Wen Xiao and the others didn't have to worry about it.

"How can you give it all to me? You can divide it up." Luo Bi felt that this was not good.

Li Feng put away the dried red dates he caught and waved his hand indifferently: "It's not a lot, just a small box like this. You can take it back and eat it. As long as you call a few of us on a mission next time, it will be fine. You Are you going yet?"

Li Feng felt that it would be better for Jiang Yixin to ask the question himself.

Li Fengdu asked this, Luo Bi hesitated: "Let's take a day off! Let's take a day off and then go to Qingyao Star."

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