Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1976 Such an unexpected gain

Luo Bi had her own plan, and then added: "Don't the military provide jade stones and refining materials for talented people to practice? I want to go and have a look, and I will go on a mission the day after tomorrow."

It was such a lively scene, so she had to join in no matter what.

What can Wen Xiao say? As long as Luo Bi is willing to continue going on missions, a day off is really nothing. They are afraid that Luo Bi will go on one mission, and if she refuses to go on any mission, they will be blinded.

"Okay, then we will go on the mission the day after tomorrow." Li Feng was full of joy and said cheerfully: "It's good to take a day off and work for a day. The harvest this time is enough for us to eat for two days. There is no need to rush to go on the mission. It's not early. I still have five kilograms of exotic animal meat that I haven’t divided yet, so quickly divide it and go home for dinner.”

As he spoke, Li Feng winked at Jiang Yixin. Over there, Jiang Yixin immediately cut off a piece of exotic animal meat with quick hands and feet. It weighed about two kilograms, wrapped it in wrapping paper, tied it and handed it to Luo Bi.

"It's too much. This is not a pound." Luo Bi refused to accept it. Five pounds of exotic animal meat is just right for each person. Two pounds given to her would be too much! Then there will be fewer others.

Wen Xiao said from the side: "You can take whatever amount is given to you. Jiang Yixin has already divided it up."

This kind of separation of animal meat was agreed upon by everyone, just to coax Luo Bi to go on the mission. Luo Bi didn't want Jiang Yixin to give in, and the two sides were in a stalemate, so Fengling simply reached out and accepted it.

Fengling picked up Luo Bi and stopped talking. In her eyes, Fengling was far superior to her in handling affairs. As long as Fengling thought it was acceptable, Luo Bi would not bother to take care of it. She was tired of all this.

The supplies were all divided, and Fengling was thinking a lot, so she reminded Wen Xiao and others: "No one mentioned the array equipment, so don't tell others."

He was referring to a bamboo sieve. Wen Xiao, Hua Ran, Li Feng, and Jiang Yixin understood it as soon as they heard it. However, Luo Bi only saw it as a bamboo sieve, used for feeding cattle. He couldn't figure out what the array device was for a while, and it took him two seconds to realize. What Fengling was talking about was the bamboo sieve.

Wen Xiao was very wise and knew that Fengling didn't want his pure life to be disturbed, so he immediately said: "Don't worry, it's not easy to find a good thing that can be eaten. We are stupid to tell others."

Hua Ran didn't need to express his position, his identity was his attitude, Li Feng and Jiang Yixin followed suit and said not to say anything, they were not stupid.

At this time, the sky had darkened, everyone left the material warehouse, and Fengling closed the door. There is also energy wood on the spaceship. If no one is in a hurry to use it, it will be divided. There is no mission tomorrow, so there is plenty of time to divide the energy wood. There is no rush at this moment.

Before they parted ways, Luo Bi gave Wen Xiao the pheasant and winged rabbit that he was going to give away: "You can give them to General Qi Lan. Fengling and I are not going. The general will have one, Mi Yue." There is only one lieutenant general, let the admiral decide how to divide it."

"Okay, I'll send it over now." Wen Xiao did not refuse.

The others went home, and Wen Xiao moved the pheasants and winged rabbits to General Qi Lan.

Admiral Qi was still working and was surprised when he received something. He just dispatched a small luxury spaceship for Luo Bi to use. With Luo Bi's current ability, he didn't have much idea. Who would have thought that there would be such an unexpected gain.

Wen Xiao put down his things and left. General Qi Lan then gave the things to Lieutenant General Mi.

Fatty Mi was so excited when he saw the pheasant and the winged rabbit. It was not easy for him as a financial officer during this period. The top ten combat teams applied for equipment and resources from him. Was he unwilling to give them?

That's not the case at all!

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