Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1977 Finally made some progress

How much equipment and resources have been allocated since entering the Galaxy War? How did the top ten combat teams get it?

He applied for a lot of equipment and resources, but got back very little. It was the beginning of the galaxy war season, let alone the past few months. He could only get out but not get in, but he was worried.

If this continues, the military equipment and resources will be exhausted.

But look at Luo Bi, who can't refine or extract. He didn't ask for any equipment or resources. After a mission, he actually added a pheasant and a winged rabbit to the military headquarters. This is terrible. It's all meat.

Lieutenant General Mi was so excited that his eyes filled with tears. The military department finally made progress.

Several people who went on the mission that night had barbecued meat at home. Li Feng was a good cook. Qin Cui was originally coming back from a meal at the Talent Contractor Studio of the War Department. She was greedy when she saw that the meat of colorful exotic animals was being grilled. I ate two more pieces of barbecue.

Wen Xiao invited his brother Wen Yao to have dinner together. They were not in a hurry to eat the pheasant. The two brothers ate grilled meat of colorful exotic animals. The meat of the exotic animals was less than a kilogram. They were not full, but they supplemented the nutrition and energy.

Jiang Yixin is a foodie. If there is a pheasant at home, why don’t you ask him to wait until tomorrow to eat it? Don't even think about sleeping at night. That night, Jiang Yixin packed up the pheasant and roasted it. He cut off half of the pheasant meat and added the meat of colorful exotic animals. He ate it happily by himself.

Hua Ran didn't skimp on food. When she got home, she picked up the pheasant, cut it into half, and stewed it with ginseng grass and dried red dates. The dried red dates were given by Luo Bi, and the ginseng grass was given by Yan Spoon and Wenjia Xiao Huoqiu. A pot of meat was full of nutrients and energy.

Compared with those restaurants where the ingredients were simple, mainly barbecued meat and stew, Fengling put a lot of thought into the ingredients in order to nourish Luo Bi's health. Each meal consisted of four dishes and one soup, barbecued meat and rice.

Fengling was busy in the kitchen. Luo Bi took a shower and went to the balcony from the bedroom. She pinched her fingers and searched carefully. She felt that the belly of her right index finger still hurt. She glanced at Fengling and walked over pinching her fingers.

"Are you going to the combat headquarters tomorrow?" Fengling asked as if he didn't care. Doesn't he care? How could it be possible? What he was most worried about was that Luo Bi was hanging out with those talented bonders.

Luo Bi pinched her fingers and nodded: "Well, there are more people and it's lively. I want to go somewhere to play."

He was afraid that he would get interested while playing, but it was hard to stop Fengling. It would be bad if he acted too much. He put the stir-fried vegetables into a plate and said, "My office is upstairs. If you feel bored, you can come upstairs." Come up and find me."

Luo Bi touched the pads of her left fingers again, which seemed to hurt: "Will those officers laugh at me?"

Fengling glanced at Luo Bi, her eyes passed over her hands, and then she looked away: "No."

Luo Bi felt that her fingertips no longer hurt, eh? It was obviously painful when she was in Qing Yaoxing. Although it wasn't very painful, it was somewhat felt. No matter how hard she pinched it, it didn't hurt any more. She rubbed her right index finger and it didn't feel obvious.

"What's wrong with your hand?" Feng Ling narrowed her eyes.

"It hurts." The man finally noticed. Luo Bi pinched her fingers and continued to find which one hurt: "When I installed the kind of jadeite that does not need to be extracted on the bamboo sieve, the size was not suitable, and it made my fingers and stomach hurt."

Fengling turned off the stove in her heart, washed her hands and came back to check Luo Bi's hands. She checked them carefully, picked her up and sat on a chair, hugged her and asked, "Which finger hurts?"

Yes, which one hurts? Luo Bi originally wanted Fengling to pay attention, but she couldn't find it.

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