Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1978: No fault for being coquettish

Luo Bi pinched and felt the belly of her fingers one by one, and was dumbfounded: "Originally, several of them hurt, but now I don't know which one is hurting. At the beginning, the belly of the fingers was red, but now I can't see it."

I can't find the fault with my coquettishness, how do you treat it?

Fengling: "······"

There was no other way, Fengling held Luo Bi's hand in hers, and checked it carefully again. Luo Bi wanted to pinch her finger, but he pushed it away. She couldn't find it when she couldn't find it. She always pinched the part that wasn't red at first. My fingers were all red.

Fengling was very smart, and now she understood that Luo Bi was acting coquettishly, but this way really made Fengling feel angry and funny. He held Luo Bi's little hand in his palm and cared for it tenderly.

"Okay, it won't hurt in a while." Feng Ling coaxed her.

The pain has stopped a long time ago. Who are you trying to fool? Luo Bi took her hand back. Fengling was not in a hurry to get busy. It was rare for his wife to act coquettishly with him. Although the method was very novel, Fengling was happy to hug him for a while, and then got up to set the table.

The two of them went to bed early at night. The next morning, Fengling was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Luo Bi put on a bright yellow corset dress and circled around the man, asking nonchalantly what happened at the headquarters yesterday.

In Luo Bi's opinion, if a group of talented consorts get together, there will definitely be trouble.

Fengling was busy with official duties, so how could she pay attention to these things? She occasionally responded to Luo Bi, and then told her: "I don't know where the Talent Covenant Studio is, but you are so arrogant, stay away from Bai Xian."

Baiji can give birth to children, and this alone is enough to keep women away from it.

Fengling said this, and Luo Bi took it seriously: "Don't worry, I will definitely stay far away from Bai Xian. I am a good hand in porcelain. Who cares about her! What if she can't give birth to a child and blackmails others."

Fengling was not reassured, but she did not continue the topic.

After dinner, Fengling went to the combat team headquarters first. Luo Bi didn't have to go so early. She made an appointment with Wei Zi. It was already eight o'clock in the morning when Wei Zi came over. She wore an animal skin and gauze dress with a long skirt, and she was dressed up with gold and jade before going out.

Luo Bi found it strange and looked at Wei Zi several times before smiling and following Wei Zi to the combat team headquarters.

When the two of them went upstairs to the studio of the Talented Master, many people had already arrived, all dressed up. Bai Zhi also came, and gathered with most people in the office garden on the mountain peak, exchanging something with each other.

This soft and weak person came here just to fish in troubled waters. Talents like Zhou Ya, He Xiang and others came here just to refine and extract it.

Those who can have children rely on having children, and those who cannot have children rely on their true ability to make a living. Bai Xian despises He Xian and other gifted bonders, while the gifted bonders look kind and gentle on the surface, but secretly despise Bai Xian for surviving on her stomach.

But as long as you don't show it openly, you are afraid, and you despise it in your heart, but you don't dare to mess with someone who can have children.

Comparing the two, Bai Dagen is slightly better.

Qin Cui arrived at the last step. She was slightly out of breath. She came to the studio and scanned around. When she saw Wei Zi and Luo Bi, she walked over and said, "Luo Bi, you are here too. Are you extracting or refining?"

This must be asked clearly. If Luo Bi withdraws, she will stay away. She doesn't want to be covered in ashes.

"I don't refine it, I extract it." Others were afraid that Luo Bi would have to extract it too. She couldn't refine it, so she might as well extract it instead of blowing up the furnace. So what if it was blown up at Leng Lie's house? At worst, she won't play with the jadeite today.

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