Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1979 Tang Shao

Qin Cui didn't hear what she wanted to hear, so she immediately decided to stay away.

Wei Zi didn't take it seriously. She said to Luo Bi: "Lieutenant General Mi will come over later to distribute the refining materials and jade stones. You can choose your own work location. I will take you to the garden on the mountain. You choose a location." , the two of us together."

Luo Bi: "······"

Then it was like this, I didn’t know anything.

When Wei Tzu took Luo Bi to the working garden, which was full of rocks, flowers and plants, Luo Bi realized that there would be such natural mountain scenery in the interstellar era in the future, with precious trees and flowers, rocks, waterfalls, and rocks and flowing water everywhere.

Pavilions and pavilions stand among them, and every place makes people feel like falling into a fairyland.

Work in a place like this?

I don't know who came up with it. Luo Bi followed Wei Tzu for a walk on the flowing water, and then went to choose among the energy flowers and plants. Forget about the waterfall, the sound of the rushing water was very noisy.

I don’t even get a headache, but I get a headache after listening to it for a long time.

Luo Bi has a unique vision and is very different from most people. She spent a long time choosing a location with stacked rocks and flowing water as her studio. At this time, other people went to the office they had chosen yesterday one after another. The work garden occupies a large area on the mountain peak, and everyone placed their things apart from each other.

He Xiang's working position is next to the energy flowers and plants. Zhou Ya, Jiang Xi'er, Xue Ya and others are basically gathered together, so that whether it is refining or extracting, communication is more convenient, just like attending class.

Luo Bi was a little speechless. She didn't go to Emperor Star Academy, but she worked and took classes here. This really made people don't know what to say.

The pile of rocks and flowing water was empty, and there were no tables or chairs. Wei Zi ran to talk to He Xiang. Soon Tang Shao came over to take a look. The commanding sergeant brought an exquisite sapphire table and two small sandalwood tables. Wooden chair.

The girl next to her saw this and said loudly: "Adjutant Tang, I also want to change to a clear jade table. I used it all day yesterday and felt that the wooden one was not easy to use. It made me unable to extract it."

Tang Shao secretly sneered, but his face was calm: "No problem, be more specific about what kind of table you want, so that I can let the sergeant move it, in case the table is moved and it is not the style you want."

Luo Bi was also dissatisfied and quickly said: "Exchange for me and Wei Zi. I don't want a stone table. Give me a wooden table. It would be bad if I'm not in good condition either."

Tang Shao believed her evil deeds. No matter how you looked at it, this master was just joining in the fun and causing trouble.

Wei Zi wanted a sapphire table, and Luo Bi wanted a wooden table. This was difficult to serve, so Tang Shao was too busy and had no skills, so he assigned two sergeants to be responsible for moving the tables. The sergeant was also smart and opened the small optical computer for several people to choose from, so as not to be dissatisfied after moving in.

After struggling for half an hour, Tang Shao finally dealt with everyone, and then distributed the refining materials and jade stones.

Refining materials are also divided into rare and common, so they must be limited. The divided refining materials are only enough to refine two furnaces. If you don't have enough, you can bring it yourself. Don't think that the military department doesn't need interstellar coins.

The first batch of Zhou Ya, He Xiang and others went to receive it first, and then the less talented ones took their turn. In the future, the interstellar levels will be clearly divided, and those who are incompetent will never be inferior to those who are capable.

Jadeite is also limited in quantity, and it is not cheap, so it is impossible for you to use it.

The limit is 200 yuan per person per day. The level depends on the situation. Generally, everyone receives half in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. If you don’t have enough, bring your own.

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