Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1980 Resource Strength

The Zhihuang Star Military Headquarters made a big deal, and all kinds of jade stones and refining materials were brought in by the sergeants.

The gifted masters were waiting eagerly, anxiously waiting for the jade stones and refining materials they needed. Lieutenant General Mi Yue calmly ordered the sergeants to open the cartons for everyone to choose from.

There was nothing visible on Lieutenant General Mi's face. In fact, he felt very distressed at the moment. Supporting talented people was the same as raising soldiers. Without a certain amount of wealth and resources, he really couldn't afford it.

However, despite feeling distressed, Lieutenant General Mi still said: "For those of the refining and extraction systems, if you need jade stones, spiritual plants, medicinal plants, or other refining materials, come and get them yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Ya called He Xiang to pick up the refining materials. Today Zhou Ya planned to refine, and He Xiang also had the same idea, so Zhou Ya naturally discussed it with He Xiang.

Then others hurried over to collect the materials they needed. Whether they were those who thought highly of themselves or those who had just awakened their talents, no one was willing to lag behind at this moment, and they all secretly wanted to pick the best ones.

This kind of work party, which is similar to talent exchange, is not limited by abilities. Some people like to refine, and some are good at extracting.

In short, you can choose whatever you want, no one really interferes with this.

Zhou Ya and Jiang Xi'er thought they were superior to others and were picky in choosing materials. They didn't want the ones with bad quality or low grade. Whether it was jadeite or spiritual medicinal plants, they both chose the best.

Qi Han saw it from the side and rushed forward to choose without saying a word. Qi Han dismissed Zhou Ya's dissatisfaction. Everyone was the same, so why should these two people pick the good ones away?

Zhou Ya was a little speechless. In the world of talent, strength speaks for itself. Those with lower talent levels usually cling to those with higher levels. Those who come from a small place are different. This Qi Han doesn't understand anything.

With appreciation in his eyes, He Xiang chose what he needed, moved the cartons and left.

Tong Shanshan also just woke up and didn't understand anything, so she rushed over and made a selection. Jiang Zhuer and the others had no choice but to roll their eyes and move a box of jadeite and refining materials back to their work place.

"Those who come from the edge planet are different. I didn't believe it before, but today I have seen it." Zhou Ya looked disdainful and muttered to Jiang Xi'er in a low voice: "I think it's too cheap to be with such a person."

Jiang Xinger said: "It's not good for people to hear your discussion in a low voice."

"I'm not afraid." Zhou Ya said hard, but she still kept her mouth shut.

Seeing that everyone was going to collect jade stones and refining materials, Wei Zi kept asking Luo Bi to go too. Luo Bi glanced towards the outdoor garden-style hall and was in no hurry to make any move.

"There are too many people, why join in the fun? Wait a minute." Luo Bi doesn't like fighting with others.

Wei Zi ignored her and ran to pick out jade stones.

Tang Shao is now the temporary director of the work party. When he walked to Luo Bi, he glanced at her in surprise: "Why don't you go and collect the jadeite and refining materials? It's a little late today. If it's extraction, start now. It’s getting late.”

Luo Bi still didn't want to go, so she turned to Tang Shao and discussed: "Can you get it for me? I only use jadeite, low-level ones will do. The smaller the better, regardless of attributes."

Smaller is better? ? !

Tang Shao: "·······"

Don’t choose attributes yet?

It's easy to pass away, no wonder I have to be in a hurry.

If it were him, he wouldn't be in a hurry.

That's right, this is too easy to talk about.

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