Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1983 Just don’t use hers

Luo Bi had sharp eyes and looked over immediately.

Even though she was looking at Roger, she was still holding the jade stone in her cold and lively hands. Her mind was divided into several parts, but the surrounding movements were all under her attention. Wei Zi's behavior was too abnormal, and Luo Bi's eyes asked. What is Wei Zi doing?

Wei Zitao, a very energetic child, now seemed to be wilting: "I want to know if your jadeite is the same as mine. It doesn't mean anything else. I have a jadeite and I don't need yours."

Just don’t use hers, Luo Bi doesn’t want to give any of it to anyone else.

After listening to Wei Zi's words, Luo Bi reached for Wei Zi's jadeite, touched it, and continued to extract: "Our jadeites are the same, you can extract them quickly, even if the jadeite stones are different, it will not hinder the extraction. "

Having said that, Luo Bi's eyes fell on the piece of jade stone that Wei Zi had touched intentionally or unintentionally, and her heart was full of tangles. She could clearly see the piece that Wei Zi had touched just now, but she was not sure about it.

Unable to bear it any longer, Luo Bi looked at the jadeite and asked as if she didn't care, "Which jadeite were you comparing just now?"

Wei Zi didn't think much, picked up the jade stone just now and showed it to Luo Bi: "This one is a water jade stone."

Water type? Luo Bi thought about it quickly and was not sure what the water system would be like. Based on Wei Tzu's character and family, she figured it should be fine.

Just thinking this, Luo Bi felt irritated and felt something was wrong. She secretly let out a breath and no longer had the intention to watch Roger and Leng Lie's excitement. At worst, she would only extract the ones closest to her.

As for the other half of jadeite?

How to deal with it?

Luo Bi slowed down the speed of retrieval, thinking about countermeasures in her mind. It seemed inappropriate to give it away, mainly because it was not appropriate to give it to anyone. She received it from the military department, and she changed hands to give it away, which is good or bad.

It's okay to give it to Wei Zi. Wei Zi happens to need a jade stone to practice his skills. If Luo Bi gives it, Wei Zi will definitely want it.

That's right. From the bottom of her heart, Luo Bi didn't want to give it away. After all, resources were in short supply now. There was no reason to give away the jadeite she applied for. Others would think she was stupid.

After thinking about it, Luo Bihu had an idea. He received the jadeite from the military department, so why not just ask Lieutenant General Mi and Tang Shao to replace it.

Thinking of the feasibility, Luo Bi felt relieved. It took a few minutes to extract all the jade stones that were close to her. She originally wanted to extract a few more pieces, but after thinking about it, she still couldn't. never mind.

Luo Bi put everything that had been extracted into the carton, and then put away the remaining jadeite stones on the table.

Wei Zi could not be distracted and stopped talking: "You don't want to extract it?"

"No, I want to exchange for a jadeite." Luo Bi glanced around and didn't see Tang Shao. She was a little anxious. After waiting for a long time for Tang Shao to appear, Luo Bi called people over and said, "I want to exchange for a jadeite." stone."

Tang Shao was speechless. These talented people were so talented. They had no abilities and many shortcomings. They had all kinds of weird reasons. He didn't ask any more questions. He took the carton and planned to exchange it for the jadeite.

Luo Bi followed a few steps and said without confidence: "I want something new, something that no one else has touched."

"I know." Tang Shao left.

Not long after leaving, Tang Shao sent another box to Luo Bi, with a total of one hundred low-grade jade stones, all of which were the size of eggs, the same as before.

By exchanging less for more, Tang Shao has already given Luo Bi a lot of face. If he doesn't ask for anything else, Luo Bi can only find trouble for him.

He couldn't afford to worry about that.

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