Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1984 They are all talented people

This time Luo Bi had a better memory, so she didn't dump the paper on the table, but directly picked up the carton and put it on the table.

Yes, there is a cardboard box lying across the table. How can Luo Bi and Wei Zi take it out? Neither of them can see the other.

Wei Ting held the jade stone and thought that this was fine. As long as Luo Bi did it, she had no intention of working. Out of sight, out of mind, she could calm down and extract it.

After all this trouble, Luo Bi was in a bad mood. She went to the spring next to her and washed her hands with the soap she brought. She took out a tissue and wiped them clean before returning to her seat and sitting down. She picked up the empty carton and put it on her lap.

After doing this, Luo Bi was in a better mood. She would not have time to watch the excitement later, so she took the opportunity to take another look at the outdoor garden hall. Men and women were still having fun, and there was no progress. She stopped watching.

Luo Bi regained her composure and first took out a piece of gold-based jadeite from the carton on the table. She was very energetic when she came up and crackled for a while, quickly disrupting the energy inside.

She is not good at beating people, but she is good at beating the energy of jade stones.

Okay, another broken piece was extracted. Luo Bi threw the broken jade stone into the cardboard box in her arms, and took another piece from the table. When she got used to it, she opened it piece by piece.

Because there was no excitement to watch, the speed was a bit slow. Luo Bi was impatient. After a long time, she had a headache, so she speeded up her movements. By the time she finished extracting the hundred jade stones, it was almost eleven o'clock at noon, and others were still busy.

There were still two hundred pieces of jadeite, large and small. There was not enough time in the morning, so Luo Bi stopped working and got up to sort out the broken jadeite and stack the two cartons together.

Considering that it would be time to get off work soon, Luo Bi wanted to go find Fengling, but she didn't want anyone to touch her things. Looking at several cardboard boxes, she had no choice but to move them one by one.

Oh my god! Can't move.

Wei Zi completed the extraction of a wood jade stone, put away the energy liquid, and asked doubtfully: "Luo Bi, what are you going to do?"

"I want to go find Fengling." Luo Bi gestured to Wei Zi to look at the stacked cardboard boxes: "I don't worry about putting things here. I want to move them to Fengling's office. I just tried it and couldn't move it."

"No one touches you." Wei Zi said.

Luo Bi didn't believe Wei Zi's story. The people attending the work party were all talented people with all kinds of qualities. There were a lot of curious people. Even if they didn't mean to, she wouldn't be happy if they accidentally touched her carton.

Luo Bi moved over to make a call to Jiang Yixin. From the corner of her eye, she saw Tang Shao walking by with the documents and quickly called someone: "Adjutant Tang, can you help me move my things to Fengling's office?"

Tang Shao raised his head and glanced at the pile of cardboard boxes: "How many pieces have you successfully withdrawn?"

How did Robbie respond? He smiled and said: "They are all broken. There are still two boxes that have not been picked up, one big box and one small box. I plan to pick it up in the afternoon."

Tang Shao was shocked when he heard it and was speechless for a long time. Luo Bi looked at him.

Tang Shao took a deep breath, moved a pile of cardboard boxes and left.

Luo Bi was always worried that she had left something behind, so she looked back and then followed Tang Shao. Tang Shao took the road from the mountain to the office of the First Combat Team. There were vines on the Garden Hill. Climbing up the steps was the First Combat Team's office. field.

Fengling saw the smile in Luo Bi's eyes and took out the snacks she had prepared. Tang Shao just pretended not to see it, put the things down and left. Luo Bi picked out snacks, and Fei Ling pampered her so much that she put away several boxes of jade stones.

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