Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1985 I finally found someone to chat with.

Fengling made a cup of scented tea for Luo Bi, then took the documents and worked aside.

Wen Xiao was busy for a while, and then he had time to talk to Luo Bi: "What did you do in the morning? Refining? Or extracting? I see you moved the jadeite here. Are you working here in the afternoon?"

Work in Fengling's office? !

It's better to say goodbye. Luo Bi ate the spicy dried fish and said, "I will go to the studio of the Talent Covenant Master in the afternoon. I don't want to cause trouble for your first combat team. I didn't refine it. If I refine it, it will easily explode."

That's extraction. Wen Xiao suddenly nodded: "How many jade stones have you successfully extracted?"

"It's all broken."

Fengling made a move, and Wen Xiao said: "..."

This one is broken. I wonder how many jade stones there are?

Luo Bi found someone to chat with her, and she chatted happily while eating: "Now the extraction of jadeite is different from before. The jadeite I received is still 200 yuan for the big and small ones. I will extract it in the afternoon." .”

"Are you still extracting it?" Wen Xiao was speechless for a while.

Luo Bi's expression dropped and she looked at Wen Xiao seriously. Wen Xiao laughed: "I just heard you say that you broke all the jade stones in the morning. How many pieces did you break?"

Luo Bi didn't say anything and let Wen Xiao guess. She turned to Fengling to eat and ignored Wen Xiao.

Wen Xiao estimated the daily limit of jadeite, and was shocked. Not only did Lieutenant General Mi, a money man, but he also felt distressed when he thought about the amount that Luo Bi had broken.

Qin Yilang didn't know anything yet, so he entered the office and chatted with Luo Bi for a while. Seeing Fengling's face, he gave Luo Bi two hundred low-level jade stones: "Just use it to practice. If it's not enough, tell me again. The first battle is Even if there are more teams, there are still hundreds of jade stones."

Luo Bi didn't know whether she should take it or not. She looked at Fengling, who nodded: "Take it."

In this case, Luo Bi was not polite to Qin Yilang and asked Fengling to put them all away for her to use in the afternoon.

As soon as lunch time came, everyone left the combat team headquarters one after another and rushed to the garrison base restaurant for dinner.

At noon in the high-end restaurant at the garrison base, only serving officers usually come to eat. Starting yesterday, talented people joined in.

Luo Bi looked at it and saw that the women were all dressed up carefully, and the purpose could be imagined. Not to mention those who are married, those unmarried talented people come here to show off their talents, most likely because they want to hook up with an officer.

Fengling and others are all close friends, including Qin Yilang, Wen Xiao, and Jiang Yixin. Li Feng was away, so he and Qin Cui, Tang Shao turned around and joined Fengling at the table.

Fengling specially ordered a set of nutritious meals for Luo Bi, while Qin Yilang, Tang Shao, Wen Xiao, and Jiang Yixin ordered low-level nutritious ingredients. Thunder Flame Warriors are no better than women. As long as they have nutritional energy, they can eat anything.

As long as they are talented people, everyone attending the party today will have nutritious food for lunch.

Women's food is more sophisticated, so it's a higher level, including exotic animal meat, fruit platter and vegetables, and comes with a soup. Those who had just awakened their talents were pleasantly surprised when they saw the dishes. They couldn't eat such ingredients at home.

Women like Fan Yao and Zhang Yao reacted the most. They filled up a nutritious meal. They couldn't eat it normally, and they didn't intend to be polite until they had something good to eat.

Someone at the next table laughed, probably because they were laughing at their lack of knowledge. Fan Yao and Zhang Yao didn't care, they just ate whatever they wanted, and they earned what they put into their mouths.

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