Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1986 She wants it

After taking a short break at noon, we went to the Talent Partner Studio in the afternoon.

Because Wei Zi was disturbed at the beginning in the morning, he only extracted a bottle of energy liquid and a wood attribute energy stone. The energy stone is low-level, which is already very good given Wei Zi's ability.

Luo Bi arrived at her work station and sat down, chatting with Wei Zi for a while. After everyone had taken action, she moved a large box of low-grade jade stones to the table and picked up an empty cardboard box to retrieve.

She got distracted while preparing, and it took about half an hour before she started extracting it. Regardless of its properties, Luo Bi didn't intend to extract the energy liquid and energy stone, so she extracted all the jade stones in one go and broke them.

Lieutenant General Mi and Tang Shao didn't come back to their senses in the morning. At this time, they knew that Luo Biduo could do things. Nowadays, resources are in short supply, and hundreds of jade stones were extracted and destroyed by Luo Bi.

That's all. Luo Bi also put away the broken ones. She wanted the jadeite.

They were just some low-grade jade stones that had been damaged. Lieutenant General Mi didn’t want them. That’s right. Seeing Luo Bi playing with the good jade stones piece by piece made Lieutenant General Mi’s heart ache. .

After extracting the large pieces, Luo Bi extracted small pieces.

The small pieces of Luo Bi were fun to play with. It took more than an hour to extract them. There were eight bottles of energy liquid in total, and a lot of energy stones. The small ones were colorful and beautiful.

Tang Shao took the energy liquid, his eyes full of surprise.

To be honest, there is basically no need to extract small pieces of jadeite. Not only does the amount of extraction be small, but it also wastes time. As long as the gifted master is not stupid, no one will use small pieces of jadeite to practice.

Who would have thought that Luo Bi would actually extract energy liquid.

Wei Zi and Luo Bi were working at the same table. She was confused now: "Luo Bi, how did you extract it? Everyone plays with such small pieces, and generally cannot extract anything. How could you? Extract eight bottles?”

Wei Zi asked anxiously. After asking, she realized something was wrong and quickly said, "I don't mean anything else. Don't think too much about it."

Luo Bi didn't care either: "I know."

"As agreed before, the military department wants five bottles of energy liquid, and the rest is yours." Tang Shao felt a little nervous. He glanced at the energy liquid and asked: "Fire type, wind type, The water, thunder, and ice elements belong to the military department, and the others belong to you, what do you think?"

Tang Shao wanted all offensive attributes. He thought Luo Bi would be dissatisfied, but Luo Bi said she didn't want even a bottle: "The energy liquid will be given to the military department. I don't want it anymore, but the small energy stone extracted belongs to me." .”

Tang Shao was startled: "Are you sure?"

No problem. Luo Bi looked at him and said nothing. Tang Shao got excited. The most indispensable thing in the military department was the energy stone. It was so small that it was useless and had little useful energy. Luo Bi was curious about it and he wanted it.

Tang Shao said quickly: "Okay, I'll give you the small energy stones."

The two agreed, and Luo Bi thought the energy liquid was an eyesore and waved her hand: "Take it away quickly."

Tang Shao was busy putting away bottles one by one, while Luo Bi was busy packing her things. She had extracted all the jade stones, and then there was nothing to do. She collected her things and went to chat with someone.

"How about I bring another box of small pieces of jadeite for you to extract?" Tang Shao discussed with Luo Bi. If possible, he would like to give all the small pieces of jadeite in the supply warehouse to Luo Bi.

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