Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1990 Even worse

Fengling definitely doesn't know how to steam wild vegetables, but Luo Bi does. She makes it herself, but it's just not as delicious as what others make.

After dinner, Wen Xiao came over with Li Feng and Jiang Yixin to discuss which planet they would go on a mission to tomorrow. Everyone had a rough idea, but they didn't mention it when they sat down together. They all planned to listen to Luo Bi.

Who asked Luo Bi to have an array device? Although this array device was quite strange, Wen Xiao was sure that the bamboo sieve was an array device.

"In my opinion, it's better for you to go to Qing Yao Star." Fengling moved very quickly and had already found out the situation of several mission planets in one day: "In terms of planetary resources and safety factor, Qing Yao Star is better than other planets. The planet is stronger, followed by Blazing Star. The danger level of Blazing Star is unknown, so I don’t recommend that you go to Blazing Star.”

"As far as I know, Leng Lie will lead the team to Qing Yao Star tomorrow. I'll say hello to him. If you encounter powerful beasts, you can ask him for help."

After Fengling analyzed it, Wen Xiao nodded: "I am also leaning towards Qingyao Star. Luo Bi, we will listen to you. We will go to whatever planet you say we want to go to for Mission Five."

Luo Bi had nothing to say: "Okay, let's go to Qing Yao. We are familiar with Qing Yao. To go to other planets, we have to survey the terrain, so Qing Yao is fine. I don't know where there are many pheasants and winged rabbits. We don't know." When it comes to fighting strange beasts, it’s enough to go and catch pheasants and winged rabbits.”

Jiang Yixin opened his mouth, but he actually ignored this question. Only a small area of ​​Qingyao Star north of Xiaolu Mountain was captured by the hunting team. It was not easy to find groups of pheasants and winged rabbits.

Li Feng glanced at him: "How about we go to yesterday's site. There are shrubs and grass in that area, suitable for pheasants and winged rabbits to thrive. We only caught less than ten, and there should be many more."

After hearing what Li Feng said, several people sat together to discuss.

Luo Bi felt that there was no need to worry about this, so she then asked whether the land acquired north of Xiaolu Mountain was big or small. She went there to check the situation and take action. What was there to discuss? of.

Luo Bi did not participate, but Wen Xiao, Li Feng, and Jiang Yixin discussed it very seriously. Jiang Yixin couldn't wait to say: "There is a section of the Xun River with a lot of grass, and there must be a lot of pheasants. Otherwise, if we hunt along the Xun River, we would not be able to hunt like that before. There are many wild ducks in this area, I wonder if Luo Bi’s bamboo sieve can trap wild ducks, it would be great if it could trap wild ducks as well.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Yixin swallowed his saliva, he was hungry for wild ducks.

Li Feng couldn't see his useless look, so he turned to Luo Bi and asked, "Can your bamboo sieve be used to trap wild ducks?"

Who do you ask this? She had never tried to trap a wild duck. Luo Bi said: "I don't know. If you see a wild duck, you can try it, eh? What's wrong with you? The pheasants and rabbits haven't landed yet, so what kind of wild ducks can be trapped? The Xun River is comparable to the mountains and forests. It’s much more dangerous, can you defeat the combative river fish?”

"Don't say you can beat me! You couldn't beat me before, but now it's even more difficult."

Li Feng: "..." Why is your mouth so short! If he had known earlier, he would not have said much.

Wen Xiao: "······"

Jiang Yixin: "······"

He couldn't. No matter how powerful he was, he didn't dare to compete with He Xian in the galaxy war season.

Fei Ling laughed dumbly, these words were so poisonous that they stabbed the lungs of several Thunder Flame warriors.

For a long time, Wen Xiao and the others didn't want to talk to Luo Bi, not being such a rude person.

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