Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1991 This person is so bad

Fortunately, everyone has a good relationship, so Wen Xiao and the others will not be angry with Luo Bi.

Now is the galactic war season, and the Thunder Flame warriors are all forced to do nothing by the alien beasts. Luo Bike is good at not opening any pot, and is just comparing it to the fighting type He Xian. The Thunder Flame Warriors are overwhelmed by all the different beasts, and they even mention the Overlord of the Water. This guy is so bad.

Fengling stood up to handle official duties and let these people chat. Wen Xiao waved his hand: "Go and do your work. This is not the first time for us to go on a mission. At worst, listen to Luo Bi. You can do whatever Luo Bi says." manage."

This was what everyone agreed upon when they came here, letting Luo Bi have the final say. Just now they just forgot about it.

Fengling went to the study, and Luo Bi took the opportunity to make a cup of scented tea and came back to continue listening to everyone's discussion.

Jiang Yixin was very curious about the bamboo sieve. She changed the subject and shouted: "That bamboo sieve is very strange. Luo Bi, please take it out and let's study it. I don't know how you made it. How could you make such a strange thing? I have never done it before." Saw it."

"Yes, what is a bamboo sieve? What is it used for?" Li Feng was also very curious, but he was very measured. He had a talented bonder in his family and it was hard to ask too carefully. He then said, "I don't know how to refine it." Ask around, I just want to know what an ordinary bamboo sieve is used for? Like Jiang Yixin, I have never seen a bamboo sieve when I was growing up."

Wen Xiao was obviously also curious. When he looked over, Luo Bi said seriously: "It's for feeding cows."

Wen Xiao imagined for a moment that he didn't know how to feed cows with a bamboo sieve. He thought for a while and asked, "Can you be more specific? We have never seen it. You said at first that we couldn't even imagine how to feed cows."

What do you say to someone you haven’t seen before? Luo Bi thought for a moment and asked instead: "You know about animal ingredients, right?"

Jiang Yixin nodded: "I know. Those who feed exotic animals and domestic animals have fodder, leaves, and roots. Which animal feed are you talking about?"

Luo Bi: "······"

This is troublesome! Luo Bi was annoyed. Animal food was just animal food, and she didn't care about what kind of food it was. She said impatiently: "Any kind will do. There are so many things, and I don't feed cows. How can I know."

Wen Xiao, Jiang Yixin, and Li Feng were speechless: "..."

If you don’t feed cows, how do you know that the bamboo sieve is for feeding cows? Wen Xiao, Jiang Yixin, and Li Feng looked at each other and couldn't help but wonder if Luo Bi was deceiving them. No one had ever seen a bamboo sieve before, and Luo Bi didn't fool Luo Bi about it being a new thing. She said it was for cattle feeding, but no one could point out the fault.

The topic went far away, and Li Feng brought it back: "Jiang Yixin, don't interrupt, Luo Bi, please continue."

Luo Bi didn't know where to start, and after a while she said: "Actually, it's very simple, just put the animal feed into the bamboo sieve, swing the sieve back and forth, and the useless things will be sifted out through the mesh holes. Livestock loves to eat animal feed.”

"Okay, do you understand? Don't ask me if you don't understand. I don't know." Luo Bi frowned, leaned back on the chair and said displeasedly: "I have a headache again if you make such a fuss."

It's all about using your brain. Luo Bi is too lazy to think about anything.

Jiang Yixin shut up. He was worried that Luo Bi would not be able to go on missions because of her headache. This was not an unfounded worry of Jiang Yixin. Just as Luo Bi had headaches from time to time, it was really possible.

By then he would have no more pheasant meat to eat. Jiang Yixin felt uneasy thinking about it and took a careful look at Luo Bi.

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