Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1992 Most of them have no superpowers

Does Robbie have this idea?

Yes, I felt it was too willful, so I gave up the idea.

We had agreed to go on a mission before, but now we suddenly couldn't. Isn't this just a joke? Although Luo Bi is willful and likes to go her own way, she still understands the ways of the world.

Everyone wanted to see the bamboo sieve, Luo Bi took it out from the storage bracelet and threw it to Jiang Yixin.

Jiang Yixin took it in her hand and looked at it, but couldn't see anything. Apart from not recognizing it, it looked like a very ordinary thing. Wen Xiao and Li Feng also fiddled with it carefully, but couldn't see any clue, so they put down the bamboo sieve and gave up.

Luo Bi watched from the side, and suddenly her mind moved and she dialed Zhu Xingshao.

At this time, Zhu Xingshao and a group of little brothers were on a mission on Feizhu Planet. Their hunting team was all children and there was no adult. After dinner in the evening, the little brothers sat together to discuss tomorrow's actions.

They had eaten quite well during the mission, and the younger ones felt comfortable after eating. They seemed to be in a daze, and were held in the arms of the older teenagers.

Zhu Xingshao hugged Zhu Xingjiao and covered him with a blanket. Seeing that it was Luo Bi's message, he immediately picked up the message: "Luo Bi, don't you like to go to bed early, and you're not asleep yet?"

"I have something to tell you." Luo Bi said.

"Say it." Zhu Xingshao looked like he was all ears.

When the little brothers nearby heard that it was Luo Bi, they came over to say hello to Luo Bi one by one. Zhu Xingbao, Zhu Xingjiao, and Zhu Xingrong were not sleeping anymore and got up from their cousins' arms with joy on their little faces.

Zhu Xingsu came closer and said, "Luo Bi, I haven't seen you for a long time. What are you doing? Let's get together when we are free."

"Okay, let's talk about it when we have time. Aren't you still going on a mission?" When her eyes swept over the few children, Luo Bi's heart sank. Apart from high physical strength, most of the Zhu family's children had no special powers. It would be embarrassing for such a young child to go on a mission. She felt sad, but the Galaxy War Season was like this, and there was nothing Luo Bi could do: "I will also go on a mission tomorrow."

Zhu Xingsu and Zhu Xingjie are not surprised. Life in the galaxy war season is cruel. After one winter, the three major galaxies are short of everything, especially food. No one will stay at home if they can go on a mission.

"Which planet are you going on a mission to? If you encounter a Flame Duck Beast, avoid it. This kind of strange beast is very powerful." Zhu Xingshao reminded, and continued: "There is also a millet bird. Now the combat power of all strange beasts has increased several times. , try not to face the enemy head-on if you can avoid it.”

The children of the Zhu family have encountered strange beasts and suffered a lot, and these experiences have been summed up.

"I know." After hearing what he said, Luo Bi felt even more sour. She immediately adjusted the communicator to let him look at the bamboo sieve: "Did you see this sieve that is similar to a shallow round basket? It's made of bamboo and I refined it. .”

The children of the Zhu family all scratched their heads and looked at it. Luo Bi continued: "The function is very ordinary. It can trap pheasants and winged rabbits."


"Can you trap pheasants and winged rabbits?"


The children on the other end of the communicator were shocked and huddled together chattering. The Zhu family had array weapons, but they were brought along by adult Thunder Flame warriors on a mission. The main hunting team of the Zhu family had to support a family, so the equipment was naturally the best. .

As children, Zhu Xingjie, Zhu Xingshao and the other little brothers did not have any good equipment at all, so they had to rely on their own strength and a few teenagers with special powers to go on missions.

Suddenly seeing the formation device, the children suddenly lost their composure.

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