Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2005 Everyone is busy

Luo Bi was surprised for a moment and said nothing: "So fast?"

"Do you think the bamboo sieve I made is different from the one you made?" Zhu Xingshao took the time to make it. He just finished it at noon and couldn't wait to show it to Luo Bi: "I don't know how to use it. Please tell me the method."

Luo Bi looked at the bamboo sieve and thought it was okay, so she explained how to use it. Zhu Xingzhi took it seriously in his mind. Next to him, Zhu Xingsu cut a section of bamboo and found a bush and grass to prop up the bamboo sieve.

"Do you think this is okay?" Zhu Xingshao asked Luo Bi.

Luo Bi didn't see anything wrong. Children are actually better at trapping prey than adults: "Okay, put in millet and green vegetables. Green radish and radish tassels are all fine. Once the pheasants and winged rabbits run under the bamboo sieve, you can trap them." "

The children of the Zhu family did as they were told. They didn't even take a break after lunch and were busy collecting supplies.

Luo Bi did not tell the Zhu children how to blast pheasants and winged rabbits. They were still young and shooting pheasants and winged rabbits would easily alarm strange animals. This was too unsafe, so Luo Bi gave up on it.

Fengling wanted to send Luo Bi to the Talent Contractor Studio in the afternoon, but Luo Bi refused to let Fengling go. Thinking about it is also a very disgusting thing.

In order to waste time, Luo Bi was slower in extracting the jadeite in the afternoon, but considering that she didn't want anyone to touch the jadeite, she speeded up later and extracted the two hundred jadeite stones given by Qin Yilang in one go.

Luo Bi didn't move the jadeite that Wen Yao gave her. She planned to pick it up when she had time when she got home. There were too many talented people in the studio and there were many people talking, so it was better not to attract attention.

The children of the Zhu family used a bamboo sieve in the afternoon, but the effect was not very good. They only caught one pheasant in the whole afternoon. Except for a few younger ones, the children of the Zhu family are basically half-grown. The so-called half-grown children will eat me to death. Catching a pheasant can be said to be too time-consuming.

After Zhu Xingjie thought about it, he assigned Zhu Xingbao to set up pheasants and winged rabbits. The others should do whatever they were supposed to do and continue to collect supplies. Although the quantity of one pheasant is small, it is still a high-grade nutritional energy food, and there is no reason to let it go.

Luo Bi quickly told Li Feng: "Stop making bamboo sieves, ordinary ones won't work."

Li Feng was a little disappointed and threw the half-made bamboo sieve aside as firewood. It was not easy for the hunting team to go on a mission. It was impossible to waste manpower for a pheasant. The bamboo sieve was suitable for the Zhu family's children, but not for them.

Luo Bi was idle at home for two days and broke all the jade stones in her hands. Wen Xiao gave her some more.

Qin Yilang refused to give it. He didn't have time at the moment. The first combat team had waited for such a long time and collected 200 bottles of energy liquid and 300 bottles of elixir. They were basically ready to go on the mission.

The departure date has not yet been decided, but in these two days, other combat teams have also been busy.

Wen Yao led the team on the mission first. The Wen family gathered together one hundred bottles of elixir and two hundred bottles of energy liquid, which was really not much for a family. A bottle of energy liquid can increase the combat power by one level for one hour. Half a day is considered a short time to fight against alien beasts. A whole day can be considered as an hour.

Not to mention too much, assuming that the Thunder Flame Warriors had ten bottles a day, ten people would have one hundred bottles of energy liquid, which would be consumed in two days.

But the mission was imminent, and no one could do anything. The resources were insufficient and the Thunder Flame Warriors had no choice but to go on duty. They really couldn't afford it.

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