Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2006 Became a rarity

Admiral Qi Lan remembered Luo Bi at this time and knew that she could not extract it, so he asked Tang Shao to send 500 pieces of jadeite to Luo Bi.

Tang Shao came with him, and Tang Shao seemed to be very interested in the planting field on the balcony of Luo Bi's house. He pulled out dry purple grape trees one after another, and Tang Shao couldn't stop them.

What are you doing as a spoon?

Luo Bi went over and took a closer look. There was a small bud sprouting under the root of the tree, and the soup spoon was on it.

Luo Bi: "······"

She wanted it too and didn't want to give the soup spoon.

The soup ladle covered Xiao Miaomiao, and Tang Shao was speechless. Fengling held her forehead, and Luo Bi faced the spoon. They had the same temperament and refused to give in to anyone. Things that they usually chopped for firewood became rare things now.

In the end, there was no other way. Luo Bi gave up because Tang Lao was sensible and found a small purple grape seedling from the planting field. If it were someone else, Luo Bi wouldn't be serious. The Lingzhi array wouldn't work, so Luo Bi wouldn't let it go.

As soon as Tang Shao and Tang Laozi left, Luo Bi looked at several boxes of low-grade jade stones worth 500 yuan and was speechless for a long time. After walking around for a while and getting ready, she started to extract all the jade stones and put them away box by box.

Just after finishing this, his father Luo Hang called: "The main house asked each family to discuss Luo Jun's support. You go or I go. If you go with your brother, I won't go."

"I'll go." Luo Bi hung up the communication and drove the suspended sports car directly to the main house.

In the main house of the Luo family in Zhihuangxing, there are not many elders, almost all of them are the younger generation. Luo Huan and Luo Feifan sit on opposite ends of the sofa, with Luo Feifan on one side being the elders and Luo Huan on the other side being the younger generation.

Hua Ran was also there, and Luo Bi walked over.

Luo Yan curled her lips when she saw Luo Bi. She didn't think Luo Bi could do anything to help her brother. Luo Bi can't use any of her talents, nor can she produce elixirs or energy liquids. What can I do to help?

When Luo Huan saw that the people were almost here, he started to send out tasks. Not all of them had their own plans and were unwilling to contribute. It didn't matter. Luo Huan could use his identity as the young master of the family to let the children of the clan contribute.

Luo Huan had already thought about it, gathering the younger generation together to go on missions, and the harvest would be used to support Luo Jun's health.

The aunts were not very satisfied, but the young Leiyan warriors of the Luo family followed Luo Huan's lead. Luo Huan arranged the mission, and no one had any objections. They agreed on a time and prepared to go out on the mission.

Hua Ran also had to go on a mission together, but Luo Bi was not willing. Missions now are different from the past. Undeveloped planets are full of dangers. Going on missions for others is simply not worth it.

There are talented people among the female relatives of the Luo family. Luo Huan said that talented people like Luo Yan and Luo Jiao had no choice but to provide equipment and resources to the family hunting team.

There's no need for Luo Bi, she can't use her natural abilities and no one can count on her.

So, to a certain extent, not being able to use your natural abilities is a good thing.

The final mission is set for tomorrow. Time is a little tight. Everyone has discussed it but is in no hurry to leave. Zhang Jiaomei didn't move, and Luo Yan didn't think much about it. It was Luo Jun who came down from upstairs to tell her how to cook, and everyone got busy.

Zhang Jiaomei's face remained as usual, but she was cursing in her heart. She cut half a catty of the exotic animal meat that Luo Qing brought for cooking, and skipped the barbecue. It wasn't enough for one person, but it was enough for making soup.

Zhang Jiaomei wanted to be shameless and didn't do it like this, but the little meat made her feel distressed! She couldn't show it off, and it would make her look even more shameless.

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