Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2172: Being in the limelight

"Yeah, what should I do if I get a headache every now and then?" Another cousin frowned and became worried.

"Why don't you go back and rest!"

"Auntie, you go back and rest, we are here to work!"

"Yes, aunt, ah, no, aunt, you go back and rest!" The child named Xue didn't react for a while, so he called his aunt again.

"Why did you call me aunt again? My cousin asked me to call her aunt." The child whose surname has always been Xue reminded the new child who joined the Xue family. However, his own memory was not good, so he called her aunt again.

The women who were digging ginseng worms back and forth by the river were confused and looked at each other. The children in this family are not smart! Sometimes she's an aunt, and sometimes she's a cousin. She's so old that she can't tell the difference.

Also, you have just come to rest. What kind of family can be so spoiled to children?

Anyone in the other hunting team who knew the Xue family said, "What's your family background like? It's just average. You can barely get enough to eat. It can't be compared to the direct descendants of the Xue family."

"Then if they didn't hurry up and get to work, I thought life would be so good!"

"You can't see it yourself! You're not even dressed well, how can you get any better? It's not necessarily bad if you work harder, but you see, this junior is incompetent! He lacks brains."

"It's true that she doesn't look smart. Sometimes she calls her aunt, and sometimes she calls her aunt. I don't know which one is stupider or younger. You can call her whatever you want! She doesn't have any brains at all."

People talked in lowered voices, and the analysis was clear and logical, but no one from the Xue family branch heard it.

Xue Wan drank half a bottle of water. It was too hot today. After drinking the water, she asked someone from the Xue family branch to find a section of the river to place crab pots. Xue Wan originally wanted to go to the Lan family's hunting team's territory, but when she saw that others had caught a lot of fish with fishing nets, she stopped leaving.

Xue Wan checked back and forth, took out a bunch of crab pots, pointed to a location and said, "Put the crab pots here."

"Where did you get the crab pots?" The second cousin was surprised when he saw so many crab pots. He dragged several crab pots to the river and put them in the river according to the position pointed by Xue Wan: "They look like refined ones." Crab pot?”

Xue Wan looked around and whispered: "Can you stop yelling? I refined this myself. Refining weapons is a show-off ability. I don't want to be influenced by others."

She thought she was awesome for making crab pots.

Second cousin: “·······”

Is weapon refining very popular?

Isn't the Formation Refining the most advanced among several major systems?

Refining medicine is indispensable, the status is neither high nor low, and weapon refining has always been at the bottom. When did weapon refining become the most popular ability?

Luo Bi was good at refining weapons, so she covered it up and didn't say anything. For this reason, she didn't put any thought into the crab pot when it was broken.

But Xue Wan couldn't help but thought he was awesome! She was just worried that someone would try to take advantage of her.

The second cousin didn't know this. He thought about it for a long time and didn't understand. He was not a gifted master. Xue Wan said it was what it was.

The crab pots were put into the river here, and the Xue family branch began to catch fish, while Xue Wan followed Luo Bi's example and walked back and forth.

I’m sure I can’t stand the women living their daily lives! Pointing at her.

Xue Wan is not only not angry, but also quite proud. This is the same as what others said about Luo Bi. This is what someone said about Luo Bi yesterday.

On the other side of the river, Luo Bi silently caught a small fish basket and went to look for Hua Ran. This time she caught something rare, two red claw crabs, which were quite big, each weighing half a catty.

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