Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2173 Colonel-level sports car

Roger was digging ginseng worms nearby, his handsome face expressionless. Maybe he noticed the movement of the brother and sister. Roger raised his eyes and looked over. His eyes fell on the small fish basket and he smiled meaningfully.

Luo Bi glanced at him, "Roger, you can't hide it at all. As expected, Roger stopped digging for ginseng. He walked over casually, glanced at the small fish basket and raised his eyebrows: "Luo Bi, red claw crab. Change it?"

Luo Bi knew very well how much Roger needed energy ingredients like red claw crab, and asked with an expression on his face: "What will you exchange for it?"

"Do you want gold, jade, and jade? Or use something else." Roger looked at Luo Bi's face. Luo Bi glanced at him. Roger laughed and looked away. This woman, no wonder Fengling is relieved that she and Jiang Yixin Let’s play together: “Would you like a limited edition military luxury sports car? I have a quota for a colonel-level sports car, and I can only choose two colors. After all, I don’t have enough military rank.”

"What two colors?" Luo Bi was interested. She wanted to give her mother Guan Zhuting a limited edition sports car. When Roger mentioned it, she was moved: "How do you plan to change it? I don't catch many river fish. , there are all kinds.”

Luo Bi has saved sixty kilograms of river fresh food at home and cannot move it. Today, she harvested about half a barrel of river fresh food. It seems unreasonable to exchange these river fresh food for a limited edition military luxury sports car.

Since the Galaxy War Season, even if real estate and hover cars depreciate, they are not so unworthy of interstellar coins.

What should be expensive is still expensive, and the prices of rarely used items have dropped sharply. In fact, it depends on personal needs. Some people are in urgent need of nutritious and energy ingredients, and may be willing to exchange their expensive things.

Roger pointed to foods with high nutrition and energy to nourish the body, so it was not unusual to suggest that he should exchange it for a colonel-level sports car. However, Luo Bi was not sure how much river fresh food he would use in exchange.

"I don't need a sports car. How many river fish did you catch today? Just use your harvest today." Roger looked at the small fish basket in Hua Ran's hand and fell in love with the two red claw crabs: " Give me a red claw crab."

Luo Bi said: "It's less than thirty kilograms. I didn't catch that much river fresh food."

"Isn't it not dark yet? You continue to catch." Roger planned to go back to dig ginseng worms, then he took two steps and remembered: "Colonel-level sports cars are orange and green, you don't have to choose."

The orange one was too bright, and Luo Bi wanted the green one. She nodded to show that she understood.

"Don't you own a limited-edition sports car? Why do you still need to use food in exchange for it?" Hua Ran picked up a small fish basket and prepared to go to the shore, but still reminded Luo Bi: "If you save thirty pounds of river fresh food, you can eat half of it for the whole family." It’s been months.”

Luo Bi was also distressed, but she wanted a sports car even more: "It's okay, I can continue to catch river fish. I've seen a colonel-level sports car, and it's better-looking than an admiral-level one. Let mom drive it instead."

"Buy it while it's cheap. I was reluctant to buy it before." Luo Bi added.

Hua Ran sighed, picked up the small fish basket and walked towards the shore. Why are luxury goods so cheap? Because it is not practical, the price is still the same, but compared with the nutritional and energy ingredients, it is still better to eat.

It was already half past two in the afternoon. Luo Bi waded around the edge of the team digging for ginseng worms, and then groped with her feet. Along the way, she blocked a nest of hairy crabs.

Luo Bi looked around boredly and saw that no one was paying attention, so she caught the hairy crab and threw it into a small fish basket.

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