Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2242 Women and children can’t do it

When Luo Hang came back from the backyard, Guan Zhuting told the clan elder what he said.

Luo Hang sat down to drink tea, pondered for a moment and said: "The planting fields at home are not missing for a day or two. Hua Ran is off on a mission. Our whole family will go tomorrow morning. After two days of busy work, we will come back and plow our own land. "

Hua Ran nodded and dialed a communication number for his hunting team.

When the other party heard that they had no time for flowers, the hunting team simply stopped going on missions. Now that every family has applied for planting land, the women and children at home will definitely be too busy. They might as well take advantage of this free time to clear out the farmland.

Women and children cannot do the work of preparing the land.

Luo Hang made arrangements, dialed Luo Bi, and said to Luo Bi: "Everyone in the clan has a share in the farm work. Our family will go there and work for a few days, and we will be back soon. The wheat in the fields will also be harvested." It’s time to harvest. I’ll come back to harvest the wheat and help you clear the land.”

"Don't worry about my land. I'll do it myself." Luo Bi had no intention of letting her parents farm the land. She had had enough fun and it was time to do some work. Playing all the time was not an option.

Some people are not lazy like her, hehe, they don’t know the three views? Lazy people are easy to learn. From now on, she will be more diligent and see how those people learn.

Human nature is so unbearable, Luo Bi is tired of it.

Luo Hang frowned: "What can you do?"

Luo Bi still said the same thing: "Don't worry about it."

Luo Hang was used to it and didn't care, but he was sure that Luo Bi couldn't do farm work.

He knew how squeamish Luo Hang's children were since they were young. Not to mention plowing and preparing the land, weeding alone was not an easy job, and Luo Bi's delicate appearance was not even capable of doing it.

Not only Luo Hang thought this way, Fengling also thought so. The half kilogram of river melon seeds had been soaked in clean water for two days. Fengling had already marinated them. Fengling planned to fry them while she had dinner.

Luo Bi likes to eat river melon seeds, fry them and eat them as a snack when she is free.

Some people ridiculed Fengling for raising Luo Bi as a child, so Fengling raised her as a child and cared for his own wife. Fengling, who couldn't stand it, sneered. He was happy to pamper her, but could these people care about her?

While Luo Bi was on the line, she diligently picked up a bunch of purple grape trees from the planting field terrace. She hung up the call and threw it on the ground. When she saw Fengling picking a small wok and putting it on the stove, Luo Bi lit the red wood and put it on the stove. Portuguese wood.

Fengling rolled up the sleeves of her military uniform and looked noble in her gestures. Luo Bi glanced at her and got angry.

As for the so-called stunningness of many time-traveling women?

As he went, Luo Bi's eyes didn't look like this at all.

Being unable to walk after seeing a handsome man, in Luo Bi's eyes, that's called worthless, so what if he's good-looking? It's not annoying enough to make people miss her. Xue Wan didn't pay attention to her just because she was thinking about Fengling.

Otherwise, who knows what she is capable of?

So Luo Bi was somewhat angry, but she couldn't say it out loud.

Fengling looked calm and busy with the work in the kitchen before discussing with Luo Bi: "Farm work is hard, I will find someone to do it later during my vacation, or ask the sergeant to help. You can play at home and don't have to work in the fields."

Throwing a piece of purple grape wood into the stove, Luo Bi looked at the roaring flames and shook her head: "I want to do it myself. I am lazy and there are still people who can learn from me. While there is work in the farmland, I want to be more diligent and plow the land myself. After all, Laziness is not worth learning."

Even if it’s not worth learning, there are still people learning it, so you’re a fool!

Luo Bi felt ashamed and wanted to try to be more diligent in the future.

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