Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2243 Maybe we thought of going together

Fengling raised her eyebrows, but she didn't expect Luo Bi to still care about this: "Okay, right now, there is a shortage of planting land in the three major galaxies. Now all the planets are sending troops to open up planting planets. Our Zhihuang Planet also has this intention. If we open up a planting planet , let’s also open up a planting field.”

Luo Bi didn't know this. She turned on the small optical computer and browsed while lighting the fire.

When the galaxy was in its prime, only a few people planted crops. During the galaxy war season, people started to focus on farming. However, there were too many people and little land, so even if they tried to grab it, they couldn't grab it. Therefore, the management of each planet was thinking of spending a lot of effort to develop planets for planting.

Now there are planets with strong military forces taking action, and other planets are also gearing up to find out which planet is suitable for planting fields, which planet has a lot of exotic beasts, and specifically selects the planets that are easy to fight.

By the time she finished browsing, Fengling had fried the river melon seeds, cooled a small handful and gave them to Luo Bi for her to eat and play with.

Fengling had a military meeting in the evening, so she put the river melon seeds to dry, took her military uniform jacket and told Luo Bi to go to the war department: "You go to bed first, don't wait for me, I may come back very late."

Luo Bi nodded in agreement. After Fengling left, Luo Bi dug out the farm tools at home and checked them. The blades were not as sharp as before after not using them for a long time. After Luo Bi looked at them, she found a green sand grindstone and planned to sharpen the farm tools herself.

Everything was laid out, and Luo Bi thought she could do it, but she couldn't.

Agricultural tools such as hoe and hoe were not easy to sharpen at all. No matter how hard she put them, she would not take advantage of them. The problem was that she awkwardly polished them with a green sand stone several times, and the effect came out. Not only were they not sharp, but they were also blunt. .

Luo Bi: "······"

Damn it, no more grinding.

Luo Bi packed up the green sandstone and other things, washed up, went to bed, turned on the small optical computer, and selected the plantable planets among the many undeveloped planets. She originally preferred the Jade Bamboo Planet, but now she changed her mind.

Therefore, Luo Bi is like this over and over again. Only when she takes action will she remain unchanged.

If you give her enough time, be prepared to change your mind at any time.

The military department discussed the one from the military department, and Luo Bi picked her own, maybe they thought of going together.

Luo Bi browsed for more than half an hour and had a headache. She put aside the small optical computer and went to bed. She was no better than before. She fell asleep late and had no energy the next day, so she didn't want to go to bed early.

It rained heavily again in the evening, and the next day it started to rain lightly, with no sign of stopping.

Depending on the situation, it may have to rain for several days. Fengling left early in the morning. As soon as Luo Bi got up, Jiang Yixin came to grind farm tools for her. Fengling sent him here, and Jiang Yixin was willing to help Luo Bi.

"Luo Bi, after today's military meeting, the combat team will probably go to open up a planting planet tomorrow. Are you going?" Jiang Yixin is used to sharpening weapons and is familiar with sharpening farm tools, and she is not idle: "He Xiang, Wei Zi and Qin Cui are going, so why don't you go too."

Luo Bi didn't think she could help, so she shook her head: "I won't go."

If you go and cause trouble, it's better not to go. Luo Bi won't cause trouble to others.

Forget it if you don’t want to go, Jiang Yixin sighed: “If you don’t want to go, don’t go. Fighting an undeveloped planet requires a large number of troops, and the battle is very dangerous. Not all of the top ten combat teams will participate in the battle this time, but it’s almost the same. The consul will also go this time. , in order to build a plantation planet, we Zhihuang Planet will have to spend a lot of effort."

I just don’t know if I can beat it down.

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