Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2249 Preparation for Departure

The children's eyes widened and they looked at each other. The fire could easily explode the furnace, so they quickly moved away.

The children of the Zhu family silently moved away, but they still stared at the furnace with good eyes. These children were not greedy for any powerful arrays or the like, they just needed to refine the whole crab pot.

After experiencing the galaxy war season, the children's mentality has calmed down.

Luo Biyuan laughed angrily at their reactions and calmed down her expression. Then she calmly stretched out her right hand and continued to control the situation in the furnace with mystical magic, making up for whatever was broken.

When she ate the fruit just now, the refining materials in the cauldron had been completely integrated. It only took Luo Bi half an hour to complete the refining.

After the flames were removed, the children were stunned for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief.

Just after the refining was completed, the furnace cauldron was too hot, so everyone moved a small bench and waited on the side. Wen Xiao and Li Feng took the opportunity to come over and waited together. They estimated that the temperature had almost dropped, and Wen Xiao Use a clean towel to open the lid of the tripod.

Everyone came over to watch, and Jiang Yixin took out a bunch of crab pots.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the crab pots were not destroyed. Luo Bi was refining without opening the lid of the cauldron. Even if the furnace was not exploded, you could not completely rest assured because surprises were everywhere.

Hearing the knock on the door, Zhu Xingzhi ran to open the door. It was Tang Shao who came. Lieutenant General Mi Yue was worried and sent him to take a look.

Tang Shao went up to the big balcony and took the crab pot from Jiang Yixin. He was surprised: "Hey, why is the crab pot smaller than before?"

Luo Bi also noticed it, but she didn't know why. The crab pots that had been remade were now smaller than the original ones. Each one was small and delicate, and it was quite fun to hold it in her hand.

Zhu Xingrong touched it, and Zhu Xingzhi opened his hand: "What are you touching blindly? What should I do if it breaks?"

After Tang Shao looked at it, he determined that it was still a device, so that was good. He installed slots on the crab pot. Wen Xiao tried installing it with various energy stones. After the crab pot became larger, it was indeed smaller than the original one, but it looked very small. Exquisite.

Tang Shao took off the energy stone. Luo Bi was curious about it and wanted to go over and have a look, but then she didn't tell Tang Shao.

Tang Shao: "·······"

Is this because you don’t want to give it or something? Tang Shao felt uneasy and chatted with Wen Xiao for a while. When he saw that Luo Bi didn't mention returning the crab pot to him, he might as well just not want it and leave.

Zhihuang Star opened up the planet for planting, and forces and families with good relations joined the combat team one after another. Bai Yan led a team to rush to Zhihuang Star first, followed by Lan Rui's hunting team, Luo Huan's hunting team, and Wu family elites , many forces gathered on Zhihuang Star one after another.

Before setting off, everyone made preparations individually, including weapons and equipment, elixirs, energy fluids, energy stones, tents, obsidian... As long as they could be used to attack the planet, everyone brought them.

Even if you have a bad memory and forget to bring something, if you mention it together, you will know what you have forgotten and get ready to go home quickly.

Mrs. Zhu is thoughtful and considers almost everything, so she is the most comprehensively prepared.

Luo Bi didn't care about this, so she just brought the step ladder with her. There were many other storage bracelets, just find them when you need them, so Luo Bi didn't care about it.

She didn't care about Zhou Ya, Jiang Xinger and others. From time to time, she would contact each other via communication to ask what they had brought. When she turned around, she found that she didn't have any, so she went out shopping to add some supplies.

During this period, other planetary forces had already set off to attack undeveloped planets.

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