Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2250 Change to a smaller planet to attack

Looking at the Fengyao Empire, there are hundreds of planets that are suitable for cultivation and have a low risk factor.

There are many such planets, but the area may be large or small, and the distance from a habitable planet must also be considered. It's hard to go back and forth for four or five hours. Most of the day will be wasted on the road. If you don't stay overnight, you really can't afford to be delayed.

Furthermore, the alien beasts occupying hundreds of planets are either strong or weak, and the forces on each planet have to consider the issue of strength, so they decide on a mission planet after repeated deliberation, and they will never evacuate unless they can defeat it.

There is no reason to give up halfway if you mobilize troops and mobilize people.

Without farming or planting fields, what would a planet eat?

Therefore, if you don't use troops, it's enough. If you move, you must capture a planting planet.

In such an urgent situation, if one force cannot defeat it, then it can unite with other forces. Legions and planetary forces with good relations can jointly fight.

In just one day, several of the selected planting planets started fighting, and the fighting was extremely fierce.

Those who take the lead will not reap the rewards. These forces will give a blow to the legion forces that have not made any move. Good guys, they will be beaten if they come up. If there are no array disks, array devices and high-end equipment to suppress the array, they will probably be beaten by alien beasts. He was beaten out in one go.

The Eighth Army took a look and said, "I'm going to go. It's not feasible to get beaten." A group of decision-makers held a meeting overnight.

After some discussion, the decision-makers felt that the human side was still not sufficiently prepared. In addition, the mission planet was set too high, and the disparity in combat power was too great. It was not surprising that the alien beasts won the first battle.

Who's to blame?

Damn you deserve it, you bastard did it first.

After some discussion, these legion forces who were waiting and watching changed their minds and switched to a smaller planet to attack.

This decision is not easy to make. After all, I have chosen a lot of options. I picked one specifically for a planet with a large area. It turned out that the planet has good soil, good mountains, and a pleasant climate. I was surprised to change it because I couldn't defeat the alien beasts and was not strong enough. small.

Who is so willing?

However, in the interstellar era, the strong are respected and cannot defeat the alien beasts. There is no other way to retreat and settle for the second best, so it is a last resort.

Not willing?

If you don't want to be dragged into it, the alien beasts will not be sociable and let you go. If you dare to go to an undeveloped planet, the alien beasts will dare to confront you. You will know who is stronger and who is weaker after a battle of submission.

Therefore, the human side did not take advantage in the first two days, and the specific battle situation was unknown. People can only guess.

While everyone was making preparations for the trip, Luo Bi had almost nothing to prepare, and she didn't bring anything to eat. The unified combat military headquarters prepares ingredients. Luo Bicai doesn't eat his own food, but eats the military headquarters' food. If he doesn't eat, he won't eat.

In the past two days, we have been on a mission very frequently. We have good and bad relationships. We visit each other and go shopping together, and we have become much closer.

Bai Xian was not on a mission, but she still went shopping with everyone. Zhou Ya curled her lips, with a flash of contempt in her eyes, and deliberately coaxed Zhang Wuer, who had just joined the circle, to buy something.

Zhang Wuer is determined to integrate into the circle, so when she sees gadgets, she will select some and give them to everyone.

As a result, there was a little money fan in the afternoon shopping queue. Orange Spoon didn't know where he got the news, so he asked Zhan Spoon to go shopping with him, and poked Zhang Wu'er when he saw someone he liked.

Buy it, Spoon likes it.

Zhang Wuer was pleasantly surprised. Naturally, he bought it for Orange Spoon, and then Orange Spoon poked him again.

Zhang Wuer: "·······"

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