Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2267 Let me see which one of you is more obsessed with money

On the battlefield, humans and beasts were fighting together. The sergeants divided the equipment and supplies they had brought into several parts and distributed them to the combat teams one by one.

Luo Bi looked at the huge team of alien beasts and was very shocked. She was nervous and subconsciously looked for Fei Ling and Hua Ran. Her brother also went on a mission this time. He didn't know which area he was fighting in at the moment. He couldn't even find them at a glance. Not enough people.

Luo Bi saw Fengling, and Fengling glanced in this direction, then with a feint, jumped out of the battle circle and rushed towards this side.

There were strange beasts all around. Fengling came over and picked up Luo Bi. The children of the Zhu family and the children of the Lan family also moved closer. The group of strange beasts moved accordingly, and fell to one side with a crash.

Qin Yilang and He Yun took a look and thought, they adjusted the combat area and led their troops to move over.

Roger came from the side and asked, "Why are you here to cause trouble?"

Qin Yilang swallowed his words. He also wanted to know what Luo Bi was doing following Tang Shao to the front battlefield instead of catching river fresh food at the rear. Roger asked him politely, so he stopped talking.

He Yun was fighting with the surrounding strange beasts and couldn't say anything for a while.

The children were chirping: "Luo Bi, it's dangerous here, what are you doing here? Go back quickly!"

Luo Bi ignored Roger, but replied to the children: "Isn't the Green Bamboo Star difficult to capture for a long time? I want to try using the sugar cane array to open a way for you. Once the sugar cane array clears away the large alien beasts, you can do it too. Concentrate on dealing with small exotic beasts.”

"What about the sugar cane array?" The children's eyes lit up.

Fengling and Qin Yilang looked at each other, Fengling nodded, and Qin Yilang said to Tang Shao: "Okay, you use the sugar cane array to open the way, and we will help from the side to see if we can advance a section of the territory."

Roger raised his eyebrows and looked at Luo Bi in Fengling's arms, feeling a toothache: "You are not needed here, you'd better go back."

Luo Bi was not happy. How could she go back? She had had enough fun after such a long time. Luo Bi was the best at attacking planets. If the sugar cane array was not good enough, she had other things, so she didn't believe she couldn't capture a planet.

Damn it, give it a go.

Luo Bi nestled in Fengling's arms and ignored Roger. Fengling's strong arms wrapped her around and protected Luo Bi in her arms. Roger looked at it and thought, what's the matter with him? In a word, he is disgusting.

"It's okay, I'll protect you." Fengling's tone was very calm, but her expression was gentle. He doted on Luo Bi no matter what.

Qin Yilang and Roger were speechless. The sugarcane array was refined by Luo Bi. If people wanted to see the array they refined show their power, it was really difficult for them to stop them. The sugarcane array was so sweet that it was no problem to open the way. , everyone didn’t care that Luo Bi followed.

He Yun stepped back: "Tang Shao, it's up to you."

There are about three hundred strange beasts in this group, including twelve large strange beasts, less than a hundred medium-sized strange beasts, and the rest are all small strange beasts. Tang Shao felt that using the Sugar Cane Array at this time was overkill. You must know that the Sugar Cane Array was used less and less, and would be gone if used again.

Tang Shao looked at Luo Bi: "Let's use yours first!"

When it comes to money lovers, no one is bad.

Everyone looked at Luo Bi, and Luo Bi said: "..."

She didn't want to, so Tang Shao cut the two sections of sugar cane into two with a jade sword, and handed one section to Luo Bi: "For safety reasons, I have to leave one section of sugar cane, you can use this section as you see fit. "

Luo Bi was speechless: "..."

Roger couldn't help but laugh: "Let me see which one of you is more obsessed with money."

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