Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2268: Lieutenant Generals are all resigned to being defeated

Look, if you don’t tell the truth when you see it, it will be embarrassing if you tell it.

Luo Bi glanced at Roger and refused to pick up the sugar cane array: "I don't have any superpowers? What are you doing for me? You attack, I'll watch."

Tang Shao thought about it, took back the sugar cane array, threw it up and held the sword to introduce the superpower, and then began to peel the sugar cane skin. The sugarcane peel fell to the ground. Luo Bi didn't want to be blind in vain, so she asked the children to pick it up.

Luo Jie and Wei Wei were really convinced. They were so obsessed with money that even Lieutenant General Mi was willing to be defeated. But think about it, this sugar cane peel is also sweet and cannot be wasted. It is cost-effective to kill a strange beast anyway.

On one side, Tang Shao peeled the sugar cane skin. On the other side, Qin Yilang and He Yun distributed the energy liquid. The sergeants installed the energy stone and waited for each to take the energy liquid. On the other side, Tang Shao had finished peeling the sugar cane skin.

Last time in Qingyao Star, everyone had seen the attack method of the sugarcane array, and knew that it would be enough to stuff the sugarcane into the mouth of the alien beast and make the alien beast fall down. Therefore, the combat team members lined up in a row, planning to attack from both sides.

When the sugar cane knocks down the big ones, they kill the small ones. They can deal with any strange beasts that don't escape, whichever one succeeds will deal with them.

The powerful Thunder Flame warriors had all withdrawn, and now the alien beasts were back with a vengeance. He Yun and Wei Wei immediately led their troops to fight. Everyone else looked at Tang Shao, and just waiting for Tang Shao to take action, they attacked from the side.

Tang Shao concentrated, waved his sword, and the sugar cane array flew out and rushed towards the nearest large alien beast. As soon as the alien beast roared, it actually took a bite of the sweet beast's sugar cane. .

This strange beast has a big mouth, and it is true that it was caught off guard. Even if Tang Shao withdrew the sugar cane array in time, the sugar cane was still obviously missing a small mouthful, which made all the Thunder Flame warriors feel distressed.

"How did you attack? A big piece of sugar cane is missing." Wei Yu complained to Tang Shao, and did not forget to give an example: "Last time on Qingyao Star, the alien beasts had a taste of sweetness, but they never actually ate sugar cane. .”

The large alien beast that tasted the sweetness was so sweet that it shook its huge body and hit the ground with a "bang", which shook the ground several times.

Tang Shao was depressed: "I didn't pay attention this time."

The sergeants saw the opportunity, attacked from the side, and engaged in a melee with the small alien beasts.

Tang Shao took action again. This time he paid attention and concentrated on attacking, but only Sugar Cane knew how much sugar cane to use. Tang Shao had no time to retreat. Sugar Cane forcefully fed the alien beast a small mouthful of sugar cane before giving up.

Wei Wei: “·······”

Tang Shao: "???!!!"

A group of thunder flame warriors: "!!!!!"

Good guy, after knocking down two large alien beasts, a small piece of sugar cane was removed at once. It was only a small section in total. How could it withstand the alien beasts and disappear after a few mouthfuls? This is a rare sugar cane array.

Tang Shao couldn't bear to use it anymore and withdrew the sugar cane array: "How about forgetting it?!"

How about forget it? Luo Bi didn't give up: "The skin of the sugar cane has been peeled, how can we forget about it? I still have some sugar cane after you have used it up. You can use it without worrying about the sugar cane."

Tang Shao sighed and reluctantly continued to attack with the sugarcane array. After a few times, he finally mastered the technique. The sugarcane array became much more clever and knocked down several large alien beasts in a row.

The combat team finally had a chance to breathe. They swung their swords and attacked groups of small alien beasts. This is what hunting teams always do. Group attacks are more effective, but medium-sized alien beasts are difficult to deal with.

Knock down the big ones and attack the small ones in a group. The one that doesn't slip away is very powerful.

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