Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2278 This concealment

The sergeants won the battle and happily began to clean up the battlefield.

After Qin Yilang and Luo Jie saw the furnace, they couldn't help but sigh. The total amount of mud refining was only half the furnace. While they were victorious, it was all used up, and there was no hope of fighting again.

I just started to get excited and then it disappeared. It felt so depressing, wasn't it?

Lieutenant General Mi Yue also expressed a touch of sadness: "Why is it so useless? Half of the furnace was gone in one afternoon."

When he saw the prey he had killed, Lieutenant General Mi Yue put aside his sadness. He immediately beamed with joy, narrowed his shining eyes, and led others to count the numbers with a smile.

He could see that there were several herbivorous beasts among the large beasts, and they were all meat. There were no flesh relatives at all.

This time, Luo Bi's ability was obvious to all. People who always thought that Luo Bi could not use her natural abilities had their thoughts changed. Knowing that Luo Bi was capable, they inevitably had other concerns.

Feng Zixun had a good relationship with Hua Chen. Looking at him, Feng Zixun sighed, Hua Chen made a mistake in choosing Luo Yan.

"This woman is not simple. She may have been hiding her strength." Surrounded by people from the Fourth Combat Team and the Fifth Combat Team, Feng Zixun still reminded Hua Chen. When Hua Chen's figure froze, Feng Zixun couldn't help but feel regretful: "Why did you choose Luo Yan in the first place? Luo Yan's talent is average and there is little chance of her going further."

You are at a loss, Feng Zixun is embarrassed to say.

After several contacts, if the two parties do not talk about feelings and only look at the wife's ability, Luo Bi is obviously superior to Luo Yan. Compared with Luo Bi, the cousin, there is not even a slight gap between Luo Yan and Luo Bi.

Feng Zixun chuckled, "Luo Bi, this woman is really elusive. You said you have talent, why are you hiding it?" As long as Luo Bi can wake up, Hua Chen may not have any other plans after two years of love.

By hiding this, her fiancé was gone.

Does Hua Chen have no feelings for Luo Bi? not necessarily.

Feng Zixun could really see how much Hua Chen had been thinking about Luo Bi, his fiancée, but Jue Hua Chen definitely had the intention of getting married and living a happy life in the future.

Who knows, this heart was defeated by reality.

Luo Bi had no talent and was not taken seriously in the Luo family. She did not help Hua Chen at all at that time. No matter how Luo Yan got involved with ulterior motives, there was nothing wrong with Hua Chen choosing between the two.

"We are not suitable to talk about her." Hua Chen didn't want people to think too much, and added later: "Luo Yan just lacks experience. Given time, I believe Luo Yan is not bad."

Hua Chen didn't want to talk and even defended Luo Yan. Feng Zixun was noncommittal: "Okay, we can't look down on people. Maybe Luo Yan is as secretive as her cousin."

If this is the case, it would be interesting for the women of the Luo family to conceal their awakening, which most people would not do. If you put it on others, who would conceal your awakening before it’s too late to tell them in a big way?

Feng Zixun still couldn't figure it out and had doubts in his heart.

The sergeants cleaned the battlefield, Lieutenant General Mi Yue counted the prey, and there was a temporary cessation of fighting. Everyone was beaming.

The children lay on the backs of large exotic beasts, wielded small picks to pry off scales, and used small shovels to dig out crystal stones. Their little faces were filled with smiles. The joyful atmosphere was all because they could eat meat.

The crystals on the alien beasts have a wide range of uses. Some can be used to build ships and spaceships, some can be used for refining, and some can be used as low-level energy stones. The scales of alien beasts also have this use.

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