Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2279 Everyone thought of it together

Not to mention the quality of its meat, any herbivorous beast can be eaten.

But there are different grades and types of meat. Nowadays, low-grade meat is only suitable for men. Women and children taste harder and are not good for the stomach. First-grade meat is more tender than low-grade meat. Basically, humans in the galaxy eat it. That's it.

As for second-grade meat and third-grade meat, it depends on your family’s financial situation. Most families may not be able to afford it.

Even if the family is well off, don't even think about it if there are many Leiyan warriors in the family. The food is too big and they can't afford it.

The children sat on the huge body of the large alien beast and were very busy wielding small shovels. The horns of the beasts were relatively valuable. The larger ones climbed up and used machetes to chop and dig very carefully.

While the children were working, they were chattering and discussing what kind of meat was delicious for dinner. They were all very greedy.

Jiang Yixin knew how stingy Lieutenant General Mi was, so she quickly pulled Wei Yu to pick out prey: "I've taken a good look, there are two buffalo beasts, we won the battle today and had a good meal, so let's pick a few prey with good meat. "

If Lieutenant General Mi were left to make the decision, most of it would be low-grade exotic animal meat. Who would be willing to eat it? !

Wei Wei was naturally happy to go along: "Pick out a few of the duck beasts. The duck beasts belong to the fourth-level exotic animal meat and are more delicious than other meats."

Jiang Yixin couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and now he couldn't bear to eat. He turned around and called Luo Bi: "Luo Bi, come here quickly. Let's go pick out the strange beasts and let the kitchen prepare delicious food tonight."

Luo Bi left the children and ran over: "Here they come."

With Luo Bi following him to pick out strange beasts, the sergeants were very excited. Luo Bi had worked hard today, and Lieutenant General Mi must have given him face. He wanted to eat meat, so he quietly pointed to them in the direction: "There is an ostrich beast over there. When roasted, the taste is no worse than that of the flaming duck beast. You can go and pick it over there."

Luo Bi understood the idea and played tricks with Lieutenant General Mi. They all thought of going together. Jiang Yixin and Wei Wei nodded and climbed up a hillside. Sure enough, they found an ostrich beast among the strange beasts they killed.

There was a rock next to it with green vines climbing on it. Luo Bi walked over and took a look and found a spiritual plant in the crevice of the rock.

Luo Bi chuckled, stretched out her hand to lift it, but couldn't lift it, so she had to take out a small shovel to dig out the spiritual plant. Wei Yu walked around and brought back a strange beast: "Hey, you found a spiritual plant." plant?"

Luo Bi shook the spiritual plant in her hand: "It's not just one plant. I dug several of them and gave them to Yan Spoon as snacks."

Wei Yu said "tsk", no one else has such luck. He can find spiritual plants by picking out strange beasts. His eyes are so good.

Jiang Yixin picked up the ostrich beast and walked back with Wei Yu in tandem. Luo Bi searched for it when he followed and dug up a handful of spiritual plants. The Wen family's little fireball saw it and ran over with a whoosh.

When someone called her aunt, Luo Bi picked two fire-spirited spiritual plants and gave them to Wen's little fireball. Little Fireball knew that calling her aunt was a good idea, and happily watched everyone go about their business after taking the spiritual plants.

Arriving at the kitchen area of ​​the station, Luo Bi went to look for it. She didn't see the river seafood on the grill. Her heart sank. She looked at everyone and asked, "Where are the red claw crabs and orange shrimps I had for lunch? I grilled them both." Okay, I didn’t have time to eat, why is it gone?”

The logistics sergeants looked at each other. Mrs. Zhu heard the movement and came over: "What's wrong?"

Luo Bi knew in her heart that most of her seafood would be eaten by others, but she still suppressed her guess and asked: "Where is my seafood for lunch? I didn't see it. Where did it go?"

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