Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2490: Pampered

Luo Bi saw people eating small hot peppers, so she went to pick one on the bamboo plaque that was not too spicy.

The more cooked the small peppers are, the spicier they are. The green ones are less ripe, and Luo Bi also picked a very small one, so she was mentally prepared and took a small bite. Damn, it’s so spicy!

"It won't be spicy if you drink water." Zhu Xingshao's expression changed.

Jiang Yixin was not busy eating. Zhu Xingzhi got up and poured a cup of cold boiled water. Zhu Xingsu turned around and ran back to Zhu's house to find nutritional milk. Nutritional milk can reduce the spicy taste.

Luo Bi thought it was useless to drink anything: "Damn, it's so spicy."

Luo Hang walked over from under the corridor: "You know you can't eat spicy food, but you still eat spicy food."

Zhu Xingshao snatched the water cup from Zhu Xingzhi's hand and handed it to Luo Bi: "Drink water quickly. Drinking more water will make it less spicy."

Nima was talking nonsense, and Luo Bi cursed in her heart. As a result, she took two sips from the water glass, but it didn't work much. It was still spicy when it should be spicy. She drank another half cup of water to suppress the spicy taste.

Zhu Xingsu ran back to the Zhu family's main house, and Mrs. Zhu asked: "What are you doing in such a hurry? Aren't you playing at Luo Bi's house?!"

"Is there any nutritious milk at home? Luo Bi ate hot peppers and got burnt." Zhu Xingsu ran to the kitchen area, opened the cabinet and rummaged around, and directed Zhu Xingzu: "Go to the material warehouse and look for it."

Zhu Xingzu looked at Madam Zhu, who moved a box of nutritional milk, took out half of it, and moved half of the box of nutritional milk to Zhu Xingsu: "Move it to Luo Bi! The rest will be used by Bao'er and Xingrong to satisfy their greed. "

Zhu Xingsu moved it and left. Zhu Xingzu followed. Luo Bi didn't feel spicy anymore. Zhu Xingsu put half a box of milk aside and took one box for Luo Bi to drink.

"Just squeeze it down with nutritional milk." Zhu Xingsu said.

Luo Bi glanced at the milk box: "Just one box is fine. Besides, I don't really like drinking milk."

"We still have it at home, drink it quickly." Jiang Yixin felt bad for Luo Bi because of the spicy food. She had seen people who couldn't eat spicy food, but she had never seen Luo Bi who couldn't stand the spicy food like this.

What else are you eating? ! Don't eat it again.

Zhu Xingrong and Zhu Xingbao also came to Luo's house. A group of children gathered around Luo Bi and asked if it was spicy. Jiang Yixin and Luo Hang couldn't squeeze in. Luo Hang walked away angry and funny.

Guan Zhuting sighed softly: "Why do you want to eat small peppers? I will fry a plate of clams for you. Don't eat small peppers, and don't eat them if they are not cooked. They are spicy ingredients after all, and small ones are also spicy. You can’t eat it.”

Why do people use small peppers as snacks? It’s not because I don’t eat nutritious snacks for fun. Small peppers are spicy, but they are nutritious ingredients, so they are okay to eat for fun.

However, it was impossible for Luo Bi to follow suit.

Guan Zhuting felt sorry for her child and went to pack a plate of pickled twigs. Zhu Xingbao, a snack foodie, became very diligent when he heard about the food. He followed with his short legs to help, carrying firewood to wash the pot.

Zhu Xingsu didn't even look at it: "This snack foodie has no future."

There were too few nutritious ingredients for snacks at the end of the galaxy war season. Luo Bi's mood was very complicated at this time. She was a little eager to try, but also a little depressed. She couldn't get snacks, but she could still find green onions.

After some calculations in her mind, Luo Bi felt that the heavy rain should not hinder the digging of onions. She stood up and said to a few people: "No more playing here, let's go to Qingyao Star to dig onions."

Several people were stunned, they had thought of a mission, but Luo Bi was used to being spoiled and the rain was heavy, so they had no idea.

When Luo Bi said this, several people were moved.

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