Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2491 Rely on luck

"Can you do it in such a heavy rain?!" Jiang Yixin stuffed the small pepper into her mouth, stood up and hesitated: "We Leiyan warriors are not in good physical condition. Women's constitution and physical strength are weak, can you do it? What should I do if I catch a cold? "

Luo Bi had an easy temper, and Jiang Yixin was afraid of Fengling. Fengling doted on Luo Bi as if she didn't care about anything. As long as she wasn't blind, she could see clearly.

What's wrong? ! Luo Bi nodded: "No problem, I'm very energetic on a rainy day, so I can't keep out the cold even if I put on my coat."

Jiang Yixin quickly dialed Wen Xiao. The Zhu family's children ran home to get a small shovel and a hoe. Luo Hang was worried and didn't want Luo Bi to go, but Luo Bi didn't listen to him.

Seeing this, Guan Zhuting went to look for a bamboo basket or something.

"I'll go with you." Luo Hang was really worried.

Luo Bi was unhappy: "We came back after looking for green onions. Why are you following us? Don't go."

Luo Hang hesitated, and Hua Ran said, "I'll go."

Luo Hang nodded, relieved. Hua Ran's strong genes and combat power are both powerful. Coupled with Jiang Yixin, a thunder flame warrior with strong genes, she can escape unscathed even if she encounters a first-level alien beast.

Besides, the children of the Zhu family are not given for free. There are five or six of them who are powerful in battle.

From Hua Ran's point of view, it doesn't matter if Luo Bi doesn't have the fighting ability to go on a mission together. As long as the Thunder Flame Warriors are strong, Hua Ran won't take the initiative if Luo Bi doesn't say it.

After all, Luo Bi is married, and her parents' family has no say.

Now that Luo Bi has proposed a mission, Hua Ran wants it. For the sake of the family's livelihood, Hua Ran can't say anything to stop it. At worst, they go back quickly, and any food they can find is good.

At this time, the children of the Zhu family and Wen Xiao all rushed over. After discussing it together, they got on the hover car and rushed to Qingyao Star.

Finding supplies on undeveloped planets depends on luck, experience, and familiar terrain. It's raining heavily now, and neither experience nor terrain is advisable, so we can only rely on luck.

The rainstorm was coming, this time it was quite heavy, and at a glance it was covered with rain.

"Where are we going?" Wen Xiao asked Luo Bi.

Luo Bi looked at the mountains and forests of Qingyao Star: "Let's go south first and drive the hover car there. There is water on the ground and it is difficult to walk."

Driving a hover car is indeed fast, but it is also easy to miss the food in the mountains and forests. No matter how slowly you drive the hover car, it is still different from walking to find food. Some of the inconspicuous things cannot be seen at all.

Wen Xiao hesitated for a moment and planned to listen to Luo Bi.

Hua Ran remained silent. Before going on the mission, he thought he could handle it by taking Luo Bi with him. But at this time, Hua Ran frowned while looking at the violent storm, feeling a little unsure.

Entering the forest, everyone looked for Cong with their eyes wide open, and the hover car moved slowly.

Hua Ran and Wen Xiao were sitting in the sports car. Before they could see the surroundings clearly, Luo Bi drove away in the suspended sports car. She looked over and found that there were no green onions around here, only a few trees grew here and there, so she didn’t want any more.

Wen Xiao: “·······”

Hua Ran: "...Where is it? I'll dig it."

They go on a mission just for food. If this tree is too few, they don't want it, and if there are too few, they don't want that one. Where can they find green fields?

Hua Ran and Wen Xiao both disliked the lack of green onions.

Luo Bi pointed to a gap in the rocks: "Where are they? There are just a few trees, and they are quite big."

Hua Ran jumped off the suspended sports car. There was soil in the gaps between the rocks, and five green onions, large and small, grew there. Hua Ran took a closer look and saw that there were indeed two green onions. He shook in vain and couldn't pull them out.

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