Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2498 Going on a mission

Wen Xiao and others were drying green onions here. Wen Yao drove over in a hover car, and the other children of the Zhu family also arrived soon after.

"You go back to eat, leave it to us here." After Wen Yao said this, he called on the children of the Zhu family who came over to dry the onions together. It doesn't matter if they pull the green onions, there are quite a lot of wild vegetables and weeds mixed with the onions.

Zhu Xingrong and Zhu Xingjiao stretched out their hands to pick up the wild vegetables and threw them out. Wen Yao stopped them: "We will pick them tomorrow. We don't have time now. Let's dry the green onions in the basket first."

The child nodded, picked up the green onions and spread them out to dry.

"There are so many green onions dug!" the child said happily.

A smile flashed in Wen Yao's eyes. The harvest this time was indeed great. Wen Xiao called Hua Ran to leave, but Hua Ran didn't move: "Let's go together later. It's already this time, don't be in a hurry to go home."

In this way, everyone worked together, and after half an hour, they spread out all the green onions and hung them up to dry before going home.

When we got home, everyone couldn't help but calculate the amount of harvest. After the calculation, they felt confident and thought about continuing the task of digging onions. Hua Ran and Wen Xiao also noticed that they were just ignorant. There was a lot of green land on the undeveloped planet, and they would be rewarded as long as they went on missions.

What if we don’t get nutritious food back? !

Wen Xiao and the others were all thinking about Greenland, so they called Luo Bi and asked her if she would go on a mission tomorrow.

Luo Bi was talking nonsense at her parents' house at the moment. She followed Guan Zhuting wherever he went. She scolded the hunting team who was worried about grabbing the ingredients as idiots. They were obsessed with it but didn't know the goods. What else could they be if they weren't idiots? !

Luo Bi picked up the communication, listened to Wen Xiao's suggestion, and said, "It depends on the intensity of the rain. If it rains too hard, we won't be able to go. As long as the rain is lighter, we will go right away."

Wen Xiao felt relieved and hung up the call, while Luo Bi continued talking.

"You don't know, as soon as they take a bite, they have to grab it." Luo Bi ate a red fruit in her mouth. The pulp was very sweet: "Those green onions are so conspicuous! They can't see it at all."

Guan Zhuting said: "I can't recognize him either."

Luo Bi: "······"

Luo Bi was speechless. She was so easy to recognize and couldn't recognize. What else could she say? It can only be said that she is lucky. In the next 18,000 years, the ingredients will be all kinds of strange, and normal ingredients will be unrecognizable.

Luo Bi had seen and planted this kind of green onion in her previous life, so she knew it, but she couldn't tell. She sighed depressedly and thought about the planet where she would go on a mission tomorrow.

In the living room, Fengling and Hua Ran were talking about winter reserves. Luo Bi wandered over and listened. Uninterested, she went to Zhu's house to play with the Zhu family's children for a while, and returned home just in time for the food to be served.

The next day, due to weather reasons, all hunting teams did not go out on missions.

Luo Bi slept happily all day, and the heavy rain kept falling for the next few days with no intention of stopping. As a result, everyone was anxious and sat together to discuss countermeasures. Winter reserves were imminent. What could we do without going on a mission? !

Luo Bi became anxious after two days of idleness. Taking advantage of the less intense rain, she took a few people with whom she was close to go to Qingyao Star to dig for onions in the rain. A group of people scraped off a layer of the land.

Regardless of whether it is an onion or a wild vegetable, dig it out first and then pick it.

That's not all. I don't know what magical plug-in Luo Bi has opened. She found green onions and peppers. After a few days of busy work, there is no shortage of these two things. The baskets of peppers are very pleasing to look at.

When Roger noticed it, he was stunned for a while.

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