Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2499 He only raises women when he is full

However, winter has already entered, and the food reserves of various planetary forces are not satisfactory.

It was freezing cold all day long, and it was useless to worry. At the beginning of January, dense ice particles began to fall from the sky. Although they were not large, they were not small enough. Human beings could not go out on missions at all.

Therefore, early winter hunting was put on hold.

Roger didn't have a woman to support him, so his own body needed nourishment. He could only support a woman when he was full.

Unless the woman conceived a child for him, don't think about him paying anything.

Jiang Qianran came to Zhihuangxing and said to him, "How about we get together as a couple."

Roger had a smile on his face and said in his mind: "Go to hell."

"Don't mess with me," Roger said.

Jiang Qianran looked at Roger with her beautiful eyes: "I'm serious."

Roger didn't answer. He looked down on Jiang Qianran, but Jiang Qianran didn't know it. After speaking, she smiled dignifiedly, lowered her eyes and secretly calculated Roger's family background and the benefits that Roger might bring to her.

Jiang Qianran saw the way Bai Xian was admired by several outstanding men, and she would be lying if she said she wasn't envious. Even for the sake of children, Jiang Qianran was envious. If possible, she would also like to have the ability to give birth to children of Thunder Flame warriors with strong genes.

Roger didn't have any intention, so he changed the subject and talked about something else, never mentioning the topic.

Compared to Leng Lie and others, brothers Wen Yao and Wen Xiao were relatively calm. There were a lot of onions and peppers that needed to be sorted. They really didn’t have the time to think about anything else, and they didn’t worry much about the ingredients at the beginning of winter. question.

Fengling was well prepared. She took advantage of the beginning of winter to make some intermediate ice particles and tidy up some ingredients and the garden with Luo Bi at home. The purple wine was filtered, the red peppers were selected and dried in the courtyard, and a few kilograms of spring onions were sorted and planted in the large balcony planting field.

In this way, it does not delay the growth of the onions and makes it easier to pull them out and eat them.

That's right, the green onions are rotten and chirping, so they need to be cleaned up. Throw it away if it's too small. It's not as big as a young grass. Peel off the dry leaves and they'll be gone. There's really no need for them.

Larger green onions are actually not that big. Most of them are about the same size as leeks. Those slightly larger than this are not plentiful. If they are carefully selected and planted, they will grow quickly.

The work of sorting onions is complicated and boring. Fortunately, Luo Bi only planted a few kilograms and finished it when she got tired of it.

Fengling couldn't do this kind of work, so she counted the meat and put it in the refrigerator. Roger asked Fengling to go out for fun several times, but Fengling didn't go. Roger played a few times and found it boring, so he didn't go either.

Roger came to Luo Bi's house to visit. His eyes fell on the peppers with green leaves and he squinted: "Luo Bi, where did you harvest the onions and peppers? Are there so many on the undeveloped planet?"

If it grows in the wild and is not cultivated, it is impossible to harvest it on a large scale.

Roger is not easy to fool, but this amount? Something is wrong. If it was about planting, as far as Roger knew, no one had grown so many peppers.

As for the green onion seedlings that haven't grown yet, forget about it. Whoever planted the green onions couldn't have dug them up before they grew. If they said they were planted, Roger wouldn't believe it.

Roger "tsk". Everyone was busy with their own business at the moment. He didn't have the mind to pay attention to anything else. When he turned around, Fengling's house had so many rare ingredients hanging out. He was really surprised: "I have never seen so many when I was on a mission." chili."

Roger was curious, and Luo Bilai became interested: "Wen Xiao and I found a lot of peppers."

You didn’t see the peppers, but we found a lot of them, so go ahead and get jealous!

Luo Bi was happy when Roger didn't get what he asked for.

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