Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2621 It’s different again

In the winter of the galaxy war season, energy wood is in short supply.

Therefore, Qi Yan sold the energy wood when he arrived in the dungeon. He bought a pound of low-grade exotic animal meat and took it home. After taking the purchased meat, Qi Yan and Yang Haozhe were very happy and hurried back home.

By the time Zhu Xingzhi roasted the meat, Luo Bi and Zhu Xingbao were already eighty percent full. Zhu Xingzhi cut a piece of barbecue and ate it. He jumped off the chair and said he wanted to go home. Zhu Xingbao didn't want to leave, so how could Zhu Xingzhi follow him.

Zhu Xingbao couldn't beat Zhu Xingzhi, so he had to wear a small animal skin cloak.

Luo Bi took the cooked food bag and packed several kilograms of grilled exotic animal meat and grilled blue crabs. She stuffed them into Zhu Xingzhi's hands: "Take them home and eat them with your brothers! I still have them at home."

Zhu Xingzhi thought that his cousins ​​were also greedy, so he did not refuse. Luo Bi put the five kilograms of red fruits he had picked into Zhu Xingbao's arms. Zhu Xingbao hugged her hard and said, "Luo Bi, come to my house to play when you are free."

Luo Bi nodded and responded with a smile. Zhu Xingzhi poked the communicator, and Zhu Xingshao and others came to pick up the child.

When Zhu Xingshao left, he said: "Luo Bi, my great-grandfather said that with the increasing power of alien and magical beasts, nutritious food will become increasingly scarce. Major Feng will stock up on more food if he is able."

Luo Bi said "Yeah" and said, "The Star Network said that alien beasts and warcraft have attacked several planets."

Zhu Xingshao said: "Lanze Galaxy has fallen to a planet."

Luo Bi was surprised. After sending off the Zhu family children, she turned on the small optical brain and saw that the battle situation in the Lanze galaxy was discussed on the star network. The warcraft was strong and would capture the next small planet first.

Browsing through the star network, the empires of the three major galaxies are gathering troops to garrison habitable planets to prevent them from being attacked by manic warcraft and alien beasts and causing the planet to fall.

Under this situation, the weather became worse and worse, with heavy snowstorms continuing from morning to night. The next day, heavy snowstorms and heavy rains continued, and the temperature dropped again and again.

The temperature was so low that Star residents quickly bought energy panels sold by merchants. They had installed them in their homes before, but the temperature dropped sharply and could not be raised.

I bought another energy panel and installed it. The temperature increased slightly, but then dropped again at night.

Lan Qiao was severely cold that night. She urged Zhang Cheng to buy another energy panel. Zhang Cheng's combat power was average. He also felt that the temperature was too low, so he went out and called a sergeant from the team to buy energy panels together. .

Nowadays, the supply of energy panels exceeds the demand, and it is difficult to buy them even if they are snatched up too slowly.

Yang Yu was not at home, so Fan Yao called him: "My child can't stand the cold. The space in the house is large and the temperature of the two energy panels cannot be raised. Go and buy some energy panels."

Yang Yu still cared about his children, so he hung up the call and went to buy.

Luo Bi's home uses a fire beast energy panel, which has enough energy. The indoor temperature dropped a bit in this bad weather. If the temperature continues to drop, you can only burn energy wood. The flame of energy wood is warmer and softer.

As a result, the talent world is in chaos again, the refining and extraction methods have changed again, and are different from those at the beginning of the galaxy war season, and the refining textbooks and extraction textbooks have been replaced with new ones.

The same goes for the planting department and the like, you have to learn new things all over again.

Not only that, the natural ability has to be retested, and the previous one does not count.

You see, after working for more than a year, you are dumbfounded!

Compared with the beginning of the galaxy war season, equipment, energy liquids, and elixirs are even more unavailable. Whoever sells them at this time is a fool.

Talented people all have relatives, and they all have families.

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