Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2622 A small profit

Talented people also have legions, and legion forces also need equipment and resources.

I won’t sell it, it will give the legion forces more face! I still get a salary every month.

Of course, there are several types of people, and there are also those who are crazy. They don't give the family and legion power, so they just put it up for sale. Who cares about people with different brain circuits? !

Such people have good opportunities and can make a small fortune.

Catching up with the tough forces, equipment and other items were bought forcibly, and the prices were kept very low.

It's not a big deal if you don't give me a cent of interstellar coins, but if you don't have a family to protect you, people will bully you.

The talent world was in chaos. The major legion forces went to the undeveloped planet to hunt once, and then quickly came back. Why? The monsters did not move, and the alien beasts began to attack the inhabited planets one after another.

Do you still want to hunt? Come back and guard the planet quickly!

The Luo family of the Imperial Star gave most of their resources to Luo Sha and Luo Wan, and some of them were distributed to other talented people in the family. Luo Bi also received spiritual plants and jade stones, which were only in small quantities.

But compared to others, Luo Bi has a lot.

The head of the Luo family also wants a bowl of water to be balanced, but the resources are only these. He must first focus on the talented Luo Sha and Luo Wan. It is not easy for the family to save so many refining materials, so they must consider allocating them to the talented people in the family. .

Every family is the same. They all give most of their resources to those with talents. However, refining and extraction are different. Equipment, elixirs, and energy liquids are still consumed. Without refining and extraction, you cannot fight against alien beasts. .

After the gift textbook was distributed, Luo Bi studied at home, holding a piece of warm jade in her arms.

Lan Qiao has been running to the gifted master's dormitory and apartment these days. She didn't know that Luo Bi's home was as warm as spring, otherwise she would have come here to rub the energy panels. Her family was reluctant to use so many energy panels.

Besides, her family couldn't afford the Flame Beast Energy Panel.

Fengling cleared the dining table, walked over and took the textbook away from Luo Bi's hand: "Go and take a nap, otherwise you won't be energetic in the afternoon. You can read the textbook after a nap, and you won't be in a hurry to study."

Luo Bi was used to taking naps, and now she was really sleepy. She nodded and said, "Are you going to the military headquarters?"

Fengling went to the bedroom to make the bed: "I'll go when you fall asleep."

Luo Bi followed her to the bedroom. When Fengling had finished tidying up the quilt and got into bed, Feng Ling pulled the quilt and tucked her in. She said warmly: "I'm going to the military headquarters. You play at home. The temperature outside is very low. Don't freeze." .”

Luo Bi nodded obediently and closed her eyes to sleep.

Fengling looked at her for a long time, then gently closed the bedroom door, took her coat and went to the military headquarters. Qin Yilang knew without asking that Fengling came home to accompany Luo Bi. He sighed and didn't know what to say.

Luo Bi slept for about two hours. She lay on the bed and didn't want to move. If she didn't want to move, she would think about other things. When Luo Bi thought about the internal structure of the jade stone, she felt that it was difficult to extract it.

Just as she was about to withdraw it, someone from home came.

Luo Bi got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom, opened the door and took a look. Unexpectedly, it was Fan Yao. She thought it was Lan Qiao. Lan Qiao had not been here since she had been with several gifted disciples.

"What are you doing at home?" Fan Yao took the textbook in his hand and said, "I don't understand some parts. I want to ask you how to refine and extract it. I read it for a long time and I can't understand it."

"Come in!" Luo Bi moved away.

Fan Yao felt a warm breath as soon as she entered the room. She was surprised and could not remain reserved for a few seconds. She couldn't help shouting: "How many fire beast energy panels have been installed in your home?"

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