Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2640 Equipment

Luo Bi is refining here, while the edge planet is still fighting.

In the morning, the first combat team hunted a second-level exotic beast on the edge planet. The meat quality was also second-level. The combat team members were very happy. Seeing that the hunt was in a circle, they did not continue to participate in the battle.

The small family and some Thunder Flame warriors hunted the exotic beasts with low combat power, and the garrison combat team dealt with the ones with high combat power. The combat team tried not to compete with those small hunting teams for prey.

Qin Yilang went up to the ice and snow city wall and said, "If we don't fight now, we will take it out and share it. We will eat meat at noon."

The sergeants were overjoyed, and Li Feng went to the spring with Shao Chen and Jiang Yixin to deal with the flaming duck beast. This flaming duck beast weighed about 500 kilograms. After picking it up, each person divided 50 kilograms, and the rest was roasted to replenish the strength of the combat team members.

Fengling was given the duck meat and had no time to go home, so Jiang Yixin said, "I'll send it back to you."

Fengling nodded and dialed Luo Bi's message. Jiang Yixin picked up the exotic animal meat and got on the hovercar back to the garrison base.

It was already noon, and Luo Bi didn't cook because of the refining. She was surprised that there was no furnace explosion this time. She had fried several furnaces before, and she had planned all the furnace explosions.

If Luo Bi couldn't figure it out, stop thinking about it. She withdrew her mental power and withdrew the flames.

Just after refining, the cauldron was still hot, and she had to wait for a while. Luo Bi looked at the cauldron in confusion and thought. She was refining equipment, and she didn't know what weird things this furnace would bring out for her.

When Jiang Yixin came over, Luo Bi hadn't opened the furnace yet. She didn't know if she could refine the equipment this time, so her heartbeat was pounding. It's been a long time since she refined something useful, even a small spoon and a small handkerchief.

Jiang Yixin carried the meat of exotic animals: "Where can I put it for you?"

Luo Bi took it clean, took a look at it and said, "Put it in the kitchen!"

"Do you want to eat lunch? I'll cut it into small pieces for you." Jiang Yixin asked.

Luo Bi didn't care about this. After thinking about it, she went to wash her hands and change a piece of clean animal skin: "I don't have time. I just made a furnace and didn't explode the furnace. I want to see what was made."

"It didn't explode?" Jiang Yixin was also surprised. He ran to wash his hands and washed them twice. He asked, "What are you planning to refine? I'm more nervous than you."

"I want to refine equipment." Luo Bixin said that just thinking about it was not enough, so she opened the furnace and looked at it before calculating.

Without waiting for Jiang Yixin to come over, Luo Bi opened the cauldron with the animal skin as a cushion. She glanced curiously and was immediately stunned. She thought she had made a mistake, but when she took a closer look, she realized, the pattern was quite pretty.

"What kind of equipment is it?" Jiang Yixin came over and took a look. He didn't say anything for a long time. He looked up at Luo Bi blankly: "Why are you refining a small handkerchief again?"

Who do you ask this? Luo Bi was refining equipment. Who the hell wants to refine a small handkerchief?

"It's not that I want to refine it." She wanted to refine equipment, but she always refined a small handkerchief. Luo Bi was also depressed: "Don't tell others, they all like to make fun of people."

Jiang Yixin nodded: "It would be great if the array function could be turned on."

Luo Bi was interested in trying whether the small handkerchief could activate the function of the array device, but after thinking about it, she decided not to use it. Jiang Yixin said that every child of an aristocratic family has a family behind her, so it would be better for her to refine it and keep it herself.

Jiang Yixin had seen the power of a small handkerchief, and she was eager to try it. She glanced at Luo Bi several times: "Can you give me a small handkerchief? I'll try hunting on the edge planet."

Luo Bi hesitated and gave Jiang Yixin a piece.

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