Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2641 No one has a fryer

Jiang Yixin took it and took a look, her mouth twitching.

Luo Bi took a bunch of small handkerchiefs in her hand, turned them over and couldn't help but laugh angrily. These small handkerchiefs are beautiful, made of gossamer, moon-white, and embroidered with flowers and plants. Not to mention how handsome they are.

Luo Bi counted the number. Jiang Yixin looked at it for a while and then said, "I'm going to the edge planet."

He wanted to quickly try to see if the small handkerchief could activate the array function.

Go quickly, Luo Bi said: "You go!"

As soon as Jiang Yixin left, Luo Bi took inventory and found that fifty small handkerchiefs were refined in this furnace. They did not absorb sweat or protect against cold. They were of no use in the winter. She was so angry that she stopped spinning and continued refining after eating.

She refined the eight attributes one by one and gave them away to see who would appreciate them.

Jiang Yixin tried it when she reached the edge of the planet and called Luo Bi: "You can import superpowers, but you can't attack."

That means it can't be used. Luo Bi is not surprised at all. If you can't attack, you can't attack. It's useless to tell her. Luo Bi was in a good mood now and refined another batch of small handkerchiefs. Nowadays, spiritual plants are so expensive that they don't even come with a furnace.

In the evening, Roger came back with Fengling.

Luo Bi glanced at it and continued to play with the handkerchief without putting it away. Roger walked over and said, "Have you refined the handkerchief again?"

Luo Bi was unhappy, so she picked a few pieces and gave them to Roger: "I gave them to you."

Roger: "······"

After hesitating for a while, Roger was cruel and accepted it. Luo Bi gave him twelve yuan, and Roger said, "You can't use that much! Give Lieutenant General Mi Yue and his friends more. Lieutenant General Mi will appreciate it."

Luo Bi didn't give it to anyone who was interested. When Wen Xiao and He Yun came over, Luo Bi also gave twelve yuan to each of them.

"Can't you refine a decent piece of equipment?" Wen Xiao was speechless for a while: "These piles of refining handkerchiefs can't activate the array function?!"

Luo Bi didn't insist on giving it: "If you don't want it, just give it to me."

Luo Bi took back the small handkerchief, and Wen Xiao felt it was inappropriate. He called Wen Yao and said, "If you want it back, keep it if you don't need it. You can give it to mom."

He Yun put away the small handkerchief and couldn't laugh or cry: "Can I give He Xiang a few dollars?"

"I don't care if I give it to you." Luo Bi said.

When He Yun returned home, he gave several pieces to He Xiang. Not to mention, He Xiang liked this elegant little handkerchief because it was in winter and she couldn't use tulle, so she put it away carefully.

Luo Bi didn't want to favor one thing over another, so she gave it to everyone she was close to. The expressions of everyone who received the small handkerchief were wonderful. They thought it was an array device, but they couldn't turn on the array function after trying it, so everyone stopped thinking.

By the end of June, the inhabited planet was no longer in a safe state. In the howling cold wind, more than a dozen alien beasts migrated to the inhabited planet a day to occupy the territory.

Outside the ice and snow city wall, alien beasts gradually formed a tide of alien beasts. Looking from a distance, everything was covered with white snow.

The long winter has not only caused alien beasts to seize habitable planets, but there has also been a shortage of nutritious food. The reserves of various planets have been insufficient, and now they are almost exhausted.

Fortunately, the Emperor Star and the wealthy planet have thousands of years of heritage and are full of talented people. Even if they run out of food reserves, they can still replenish them in one hunt.

The situation is different on the edge planets. The talents of Jiang Qianran and others on the Zhihuang Planet cannot support them. Admiral Qi Lan and Praetor Pei Jing are a little irritable. They have no supplies and everything is in vain.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue was the most scheming and took a team of people to pick up the missing ones on other planets.

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