Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2642 You can do it

General Qi Lan issued an order to urge talented people to refine and extract them quickly. How can they fight without equipment and resources?

Lieutenant General Mi Yue was the most calculating. He took a team of people to other planets to pick up the missing items. If they were cheap, he would buy them. If they were not, he would just go for a walk. He would not do it anyway after spending too many interstellar coins.

The situation was so urgent that Luo Bi couldn't stay idle at home. Tang Shao asked her to refine and extract it with everyone, and Luo Bi agreed. When she went there, she played with a piece of jadeite.

Forget about refining, just blast the furnace and the spiritual plant.

Among all the talented people, Jiang Qianran, Zhou Ya, He Xiang, and Xue Ya were treated the best and had the best refining materials. In the morning, Jiang Qianran refined a second-level jade sword, which Tang Shao immediately delivered to The edge planet has gone.

Afterwards, Zhou Ya and He Xiang refined more than a dozen bottles of elixir. Tang Shao looked overjoyed and hurriedly sent them to the edge planet.

Xue Ya and Qin Cui refined three first-class jade swords at noon. With all the talented people adding one piece, the extraction amount was only hundreds of bottles, which was very tiring for everyone.

Luo Bi extracted nothing and threw the jade stone home.

Tang Shao came over and said, "You can extract the small ones."

Luo Bi was unwilling: "I can't extract it even if it's small."

Tang Shao looked at her several times and felt that Luo Bi was in a mood. Luo Bi didn't want to give Zhang Wuer delicious river food, but Luo Bi didn't respond to her. Luo Bi probably took it to heart.

But now that alien beasts are raging, it's really not the time to care about these things.

In the afternoon, Jiang Qianran is going to the edge planet for training. There are several people who are going to go. Talented people can only make breakthroughs through continuous training. It is not advisable to just refining and extracting them.

However, the windy and bad weather on the edge planet is something that most women can't stand.

The children of the Zhu family were tired these days and were resting at home. Luo Bi drove a suspended sports car to her parents' house at noon. Luo Qing and Luo Heng happened to be there too. They wanted to invite Hua Ran to go hunting on the edge planet with them.

Luo Bi said hello to them and said to Guan Zhuting, "Mom, I'm going to Zhu's house to find Zhu Xingzhi and the others."

"Don't play for too long. The little ones are all tired. Don't make trouble with them." Guan Zhuting followed to the yard and sighed: "It's okay that our Luo family has Luo Sha and Luo Wan. We can eat them once when we hunt." The Zhu family is short of talented people to provide nutritious food for a while, and they can’t survive even a day without hunting.”

Luo Bi felt depressed. When they arrived at the Zhu family, the Zhu family and the others had all gone to the edge planet. Several clan elders were using strong genes to nourish the bodies of several children. In addition to the children in the family, there were women.

Luo Bi entered the courtyard gate, and the clan elder was sneaking Zhu Xingrong back: "You kid, get some rest before you go. You will be the only one hunting. Even your uncles and uncles can't handle the tide of strange beasts. Can you do it?"

Zhu Xingrong leaned on the sofa chair and said, "I'll help you."

"Take a rest for two days and then go." It was strange that the clan elder could follow him.

Zhu Xingbao was very happy when he saw Luo Bi: "Luo Bi, you came here while I was resting. Come and play. My aunt fried small dried fish."

He would not hesitate to give it to others. Zhu Xingbao really liked Luo Bi.

"You came just in time. Come and eat the freshly fried spicy food!" Mrs. Zhu stood up and went to pack another plate and came back: "The little ones are talking about you, they all miss you."

Luo Bi pinched a small dried fish to eat and looked at Zhu Xingbao: "Are you tired?"

Zhu Xingbao nodded: "I feel tired all over. I'll feel better after eating some dried fish."

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