Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2665 Green Obsidian Star

The sky cleared up in the morning and the sunshine was soft.

Roger drove over in a military hover vehicle. The man was tall and tall, wearing a military uniform and got on the spaceship. Luo Bi was feeling dizzy because of the spaceship. Roger glanced at her and gave the order to set off.

On the spaceship, Wen Xiao and Qin Rong chatted for a few words. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Luo Bi's face. After thinking about it for a moment, he knew the reason: "You fainted on the spaceship again? We just set off, not so soon, right?!"

In the future interstellar era, Wen Xiao feels that being faint on a spaceship is quite new. He has never seen it before. Luo Bi still faints like that every time. You can't say she is faking it.

Although, there are many women in the talent world who can pretend.

Luo Bi was also very depressed: "I fainted as soon as the spaceship took off."

In the life before the time travel, let alone getting in a car, she subconsciously felt motion sickness just when she saw the car. For no other reason, she was motion sick and scared. It was just that feeling, not real motion sickness.

Qin Rong's movements of tapping the light brain paused, and he was slightly surprised. For a moment, he turned his mind to military affairs. Qin Rong is the colonel's adjutant. He is as proud as Roger and Rong, and he is not idle on the spaceship.

Fengling was the same, he was very busy every day, and he only had free time when he didn't want to deal with military affairs.

Wen Xiao raised his eyebrows. It was unusual for him to feel dizzy on the spaceship. He stood up and walked away. He went to the kitchen area to open a box of nutritional milk and brought two bottles back to give Luo Bi some relief.

Fengling was not here, so he had to worry more.

This is a small, luxurious spaceship. The child's flight is quite stable, and Luo Bi gradually doesn't feel dizzy from the spaceship. This shows that the price of the ship is still high.

It takes about twenty minutes to get from Zhihuang Star to Qingyao Star. By the time the spacecraft arrives at Qingyao Star, it is already past ten o'clock in the morning. The sun is warmer than when it set off, and the temperature is slightly higher.

The Little Guard Bunting patrolled below and asked, "Where is the spaceship parked?"

There are many rocky mountains on the edge of the planet to the north of Qingyao Star. At this time, teams are stationed on the rocky mountains. The rock platforms are large and small, and the teams are stationed clearly at a glance.

Seeing the rocky mountain where Zhihuang Star's first combat team was stationed, Roger said: "That's the rocky mountain where our team is stationed. Just park the spacecraft on the high rock platform."

Wei Bunting took one look, drove the small spacecraft over, and landed slowly.

Everyone got off the spaceship one after another. When the sergeants of the legion saw their own people, they greeted them warmly. Luo Bi looked for Fengling but couldn't find him, so she guessed that he should have led the team to the battlefield.

On the rock platform, talented people are busy, and all of them don't want to take the opportunity to improve their abilities. Some of them have refining space themselves, while others go to other teams to refine.

These are the talented people who accompany the team. Women with poor talents do not get this kind of treatment. A group of women and children gathered on the mountainside. When they saw the Thunder Flame warriors carving out a territory, they quickly ran down the mountain to find ingredients.

Roger and the others chatted with the sergeants at the station, walked to the edge of the rock platform, and looked down at the battlefield at the foot of the rocky mountain. From morning to afternoon, a group of combat teams had secured a small piece of territory.

"Luo Bi." Qin Cui looked up leisurely, saw Luo Bi, and immediately said hello.

Luo Bi walked over. He Xiang and Wei Zi were also there, as well as other talented people. Luo Bi glanced at it and saw that the bamboo refining space had exquisite small tables, stacked stones and flowing water.

The hunting team opened a battlefield at the foot of the rocky mountain. The environment on the mountain was quite good, and it was very comfortable while being busy.

"You came to Qingyao Star on a mission?" Qin Cui was a little surprised.

Luo Bi nodded: "I'm here to play."

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