Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2666: She can’t fight

Qin Cui was still refining and had no time to chat.

Calling Luo Bi over, Qin Cui said hello and looked at the furnace. He also asked He Xiang who was next to him: "How many bottles of elixir did you refine in the last furnace? Is it still the elixir you refined in this furnace?"

"I am still refining the elixir. I refined five bottles of elixir in the last furnace." He Xiang thought for a moment and replied to her. Qin Cui was busy refining. He Xiang had just started the furnace and chatted with Luo Bi: "You Come with Major Colonel Roger?"

As soon as Roger led the team, He Xiang saw it and was not surprised.

Luo Bi nodded and said "Yeah". She just came to Qingyao Star and was not in the mood to chat. Over there, Roger, Wei Wei, Wen Xiao, and Qin Rong were watching the battle on the edge of the rock platform. The child Wei Bunting was also among them. Luo Bi also wanted to Go over and take a look.

Whether you can collect supplies or not, you will know at a glance.

He Xiang looked away from there and hesitated to speak. Luo Bi looked at her, and He Xiang looked back.

Okay, Luo Bi understood and approached He Xiang: "What are you doing?"

He Xiang glanced at the others and whispered: "Jiang Qianran doesn't want talented people to follow Luo Jiejie on missions. If you join the team, Jiang Qianran will probably be unhappy if he finds out."

"I don't care if she is unhappy." Jiang Qianran was not here, so Luo Bi sneered: "I heard that Jiang Qianran has a crush on Roger, but if she doesn't, he doesn't have a crush on her!"

He Xiang's mind was on the furnace, but Luo Bi didn't care, so she didn't mention it again.

Wei Zi was in a trance, and Luo Bi glanced to find Roger and the others. They had been fighting for several hours since the morning, and each legion combat team had secured a small piece of territory. At this time, the fighting was still going on.

Luo Bi took a condescending look. A group of combat teams were fighting with the alien beasts. The alien beasts were mainly first-level combatants. The ground was dusty. There were no warcraft, but the alien beasts were slightly better.

The talented man refined the elixir, and the sergeant ran up to the rock platform, took it and went down the mountain.

Luo Bi looked at the people running down the mountain and looked back. She asked Roger: "We haven't conquered the rock platform from Xiaolu Mountain yet, how can we collect supplies? Let's go back and watch the battle."

Roger hesitated: "Wei Ye, let's fight too."

Wei Wei took out the jade sword and installed the energy stone: "We are here, but it is hard to watch others fight. The alien beasts under the rocky mountain here are weaker, so we will hunt nearby. Let the combat team deal with it on the main battlefield. "

Wen Xiao and Qin Rong also took out their jade swords and installed energy stones. Wen Xiao glanced at the bottom of the rocky mountain: "There are other hunting teams here. Let's pick a few exotic beasts to hunt."

Luo Bi listened to the discussion of the Thunder Flame warriors and asked, "What should I do?"

She is not good at fighting, and she has not conquered the territory by collecting supplies. Even if she helps in the battle, there is no need for her on the guard bunting. Just refine it with other talented people, Luo Bi is not interested.

"You and Bunting find a small rock platform to watch the battle, closer to the battlefield." When Roger said this, he suddenly asked Luo Bi: "Is your storage bracelet still a high-end storage device?!"

Luo Bi was unsure: "I don't know."

Wen Xiao was speechless, and Roger raised his feet and walked away: "You and Wei Yu wait for us to hunt the exotic beasts, and quickly put them away before anyone robs them."

Roger, Wei Bunting, Wen Xiao, and Qin Rong went down the mountain to hunt. Luo Bi and Wei Bunting walked around and picked a small rock platform. The terrain of this small rock platform was not high, so they could watch the battle at close range.

Not far away, there were people from other hunting teams. Women and children had no fighting skills, and they were all waiting to seize territory and snatch prey.

It doesn’t matter who hunted it, it’s yours if you snatch it.

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