Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2703 Good temper

Don’t you like it?

People may not necessarily be interested in your ability, there are many people who are not good at it.

The supply warehouse could not be allocated in a day. Luo Bi, Mrs. Zhu and the others stayed for a while and then went back. Luo Bi was not clear about the movements among the talented people, so she decided to go to the military headquarters' gathering of talented consorts in the afternoon to inquire about it.

At the dinner table, Luo Hang asked: "How is the supply warehouse you allocated?"

"Give me a medium-sized one." Luo Bi was not very satisfied. The material warehouse was too big and she couldn't use such a big one: "Just give me a small one. Why do you want to give me such a big one? I I can’t even pretend to be dissatisfied.”

Luo Hang was surprised and guessed that it was Fengling's fault: "Just pretend to be dissatisfied. You can't use your natural abilities?! We won't go on missions even if the material depot is divided."

Guan Zhuting: "······"

"That won't work." Luo Bi had no appetite, so she picked cucumber salad, but it didn't have any garlic, and the taste was a little bad: "It won't work if I don't go on a mission. This time, I can mobilize the army. It's useless for me to mobilize the army, but I can't Let Jiang Qianran and Zhang Wuer have the final say."

Luo Hang was annoyed: "Aren't you free?"

Luo Bi glared: "Leave me alone."

"Let me take care of you and I won't care about you." Luo Hang was so angry that he simply stopped eating: "You don't care about what others care about. Isn't it just right that Jiang Qianran and the others can mobilize the army with their ability? Why do you worry about this?"

Luo Bi became even more angry: "I won't talk to you."

Luo Hang stood up and left the dining table. Even if his daughter was angry with him, he didn't say go back to your house and don't stay at my house.

He is just a child, there is nothing he can do if he is angry with him, just bear with it, he is used to it.

Since Luo Bi couldn't use her natural ability, she didn't have any other skills. She had a good temper. She was still angry when Luo Hang was angry. After eating, she told Guan Zhuting and drove the suspended sports car to the military headquarters.

There was no one at the Military Talent Covenant Studio, and everyone went to distribute supplies to the warehouse.

Luo Bi thought for a while and decided to go home and take a nap. She could mobilize the army and it wouldn't hinder her sleep.

After getting up from sleep, Fan Yao and Yang Yu quarreled again. For no other reason than Yang Yu gave Feng Zihui the material warehouse with good space from the 7th combat team, plus the material warehouse given by Feng Zixun's 4th combat team. Feng Zihui was assigned two material warehouses.

And Fan Yao can only be assigned a small one, can he bear this? Fan Yao couldn't bear it anymore.

Fan Yao couldn't bear it anymore and called her parents' family. Fan Ji was fighting on Qingyao Star and had no time at all: "Okay, why don't we get a divorce? I don't have time right now. I will go and solve it for you in a few days."

Fan Yao hung up the call, Zhang Yao's eyes flashed but he said nothing else.

The talented people are still being assigned to the material warehouse. They are assigned to the Zhangluo Nong Yard of the material warehouse, and they are using their connections to find powerful Leiyan warriors to go on missions. In short, they are very busy.

The talented people are anxious to recruit the powerful Thunder Flame warriors to go on the mission. Fengling doesn't need to worry about Luo Bi. The man plans to let Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin accompany Luo Bi on the mission. Qin Yilang and Luo Jie also think so.

As a result, when Fengling told Luo Bi that night, Luo Bi refused: "No, I'll ask Wu Cheng and Zhu Xingshao to go on a mission with me."

Fengling: "······"

Talented people all challenge the powerful Thunder Flame Warrior, but Luo Bi is lucky enough to actually fall in love with a child.

Okay, he didn't want Luo Bi to be tired when she went on a mission, so he just wanted to find someone to play with Luo Bi.

Children are children, aren't there some older ones in Wucheng?

Fengling didn't say anything else and let Luo Bi make her own decision.

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